The mother of Jonathan Lewis, a Las Vegas teen beaten to death by a gang of bullies, expressed outrage at the district attorney’s decision to allow the four alleged killers to plead guilty as juveniles to manslaughter, avoiding being prosecuted as adults. Mellisa Ready accused the county’s district attorney of letting her son’s killers “get away with murder” as they will not face the consequences of their actions in adult prison. Lewis was brutally beaten by a group of his peers in an alley near his school, leading to his death from blunt force trauma in the hospital days later. The attack was captured on cell phone videos, with police describing it as lacking humanity.

The four teenagers involved in the attack—Damien Hernandez, Dontral Beaver, Gianni Robinson, and Treavion Randolph—were charged with second-degree murder, but a plea deal will now allow them to plead guilty to manslaughter as juveniles. The attorney for one of the teens expressed that convicting them of murder would be a tragedy in itself. The incident stemmed from a fight over wireless headphones that Lewis was involved in, ultimately leading to the fatal confrontation. The mother of the victim believes that the offenders were aware that their actions would result in Lewis’s death, and she feels they should be held accountable as adults.

Ready was upset about not being notified of the hearing where the plea deal was accepted, and she stated that she would have disagreed with the decision if given the chance. She feels that the attackers knew their actions would result in Lewis’s death when they stomped on his head, and she firmly believes they are getting away with murder. Despite the guilty pleas as juveniles, Ready remains convinced that the teens should face consequences as adults for their actions. While other teens involved in the case have also pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the juvenile court system, Ready continues to seek justice for her son in the wake of his tragic death.

The community was shocked by the callousness of the attack and the lack of intervention by bystanders who filmed the incident and shared it on social media, rather than trying to help Lewis. As the case unfolded in court, the focus shifted to the leniency of the plea deal and the perceived lack of justice for the victim and his family. The mother’s impassioned pleas for accountability and consequences for the teens responsible for her son’s death highlighted the emotional toll of the tragic events that took place in the alley near Rancho High School. The continuing legal proceedings and aftermath of the plea deal have raised questions about the fairness of the justice system and the handling of cases involving juvenile offenders in cases of violent crimes.

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