Sophie Zee, a U.S. mom, is using household chores to support her 1-year-old child’s development and make it fun for him. She posted a video of her son assisting with laundry and cleaning on TikTok, which has garnered over 500,000 views. Zee, a former school psychologist and doula, believes children learn by observing and imitating adults and enjoy mimicking their actions. She emphasizes that involving children in tasks can foster their intrinsic motivation and simplify life for parents, as long as it is done gradually and without pressure.

Zee’s approach has sparked a conversation online about children’s roles and responsibilities at home. Some viewers have shared their own experiences with children helping out with chores, while others find the idea of a baby doing laundry to be surprising. Zee responds to comments by emphasizing the importance of allowing children to participate in household tasks at their own pace, rather than forcing them to do chores or watch TV independently. She believes that this inclusive approach benefits the entire family, fostering a genuine interest in helping out and developing positive habits for children’s future development.

While some may find Zee’s approach unconventional, she believes that it provides immediate rewards and long-term benefits for children. By allowing her son to participate in daily tasks and chores, Zee hopes to instill a sense of responsibility and engagement in him from a young age. She acknowledges the challenges of balancing household duties and childcare, but sees involving children in tasks as a way to make life easier for parents while promoting children’s independence and skills development. Zee’s strategy has drawn attention to the importance of including children in everyday activities and the impact it can have on their growth and development.

Zee’s unique approach to integrating her child into household chores is based on her background in child development and a belief in the benefits of children learning through observation and participation. She suggests that parents can help foster their child’s intrinsic motivation by allowing them to join in daily tasks gradually, leading to a genuine interest in helping out. Zee’s inclusive approach to involving children in chores has sparked a wider conversation about children’s responsibilities at home and the potential benefits of engaging children in household tasks from a young age. Ultimately, by encouraging children to participate in chores, parents can empower them to develop essential life skills and responsibilities while fostering a sense of teamwork and collaboration within the family unit.

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