Zac Coates was born with Tessier cleft lip and palate, a condition caused by facial tissues not joining properly during development in the womb. This left him with severe facial disfigurement on his right side and no eyelid, leading to blindness in his right eye. Despite his challenges, Zac, now 18, has undergone 16 surgeries to restructure his face. Raised by his mom, Joanne Lythgoe-Frank, to accept his differences, Zac is now a confident young man planning to study film production at university. Despite facing hurtful comments and stares, Zac hasn’t let his condition define him.

Joanne was living in Cyprus when she was pregnant with Zac and was told at 22 weeks that he had a cleft anomaly. Despite the difficult circumstances, getting high blood pressure and preeclampsia at 24 weeks, she decided against an abortion. Zac was born prematurely at only 1lb 5oz and faced a 20% chance of survival. After multiple surgeries, Zac, now 18, is a thriving young man. Joanne never shied away from Zac’s differences, determined not to hide him out of protectiveness. She encouraged him to embrace his uniqueness, which has made him into a confident individual, unaffected by cruel comments.

Throughout his life, Zac has faced stares and cruel comments, but he has not let these hold him back. Starting school with confidence and dealing with hurtful remarks in a mature manner, Zac has never been bullied. Joanne actively engaged with Zac’s school to promote understanding of his condition, leading to a positive experience. Despite some challenging moments, Zac has lived a normal life, never shying away from his differences. His positive approach has also garnered support from family and friends, with Joanne standing by his side and encouraging him to embrace his uniqueness.

Zac, a typical teenager interested in music and film production, recently walked his mother down the aisle at her wedding. Confident and outgoing, Zac believes that embracing one’s self leads to happiness and confidence. He credits his positive outlook to his upbringing and the support he received from his family. Joanne, proud of her son’s strength and resilience, has always encouraged him to be proud of his differences and use them to his advantage. Zac’s journey, filled with challenges and triumphs, serves as an inspiration to others facing similar obstacles.

Living in Cyprus for 17 years, Zac and Joanne moved back to the UK where he started learning to play the guitar. An aspiring musician and filmmaker, Zac’s confidence and determination shine through his actions. Despite undergoing numerous surgeries and facing societal prejudices, Zac has never let his condition deter him from living a fulfilling life. Joanne’s unwavering support and encouragement have been instrumental in Zac’s journey, helping him grow into a confident young man who embraces his unique appearance. With his sights set on a career in film production, Zac’s journey is a testament to the power of self-acceptance and resilience in overcoming obstacles.

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