Mum Emma Tuthill, 32, had two hospital visits and later developed blood clots, which she blames on being prescribed the wrong contraceptive pill. She was hospitalised twice within days, suffering a seizure at home and later blacking out. At the hospital, doctors found substantial blood clots in her leg and lungs, directly linked to the pill she had recently started taking. Her GP later apologised for prescribing the pill, as Emma had a history of migraines which made her more susceptible to blood clots. Emma warns others to be cautious with the combined pill and to seek medical help if they experience any adverse effects.

After her hospitalisation, Emma experienced ongoing health issues, including a swollen leg, shortness of breath, and difficulty standing or walking. She continues to be monitored for any long-term damage to her heart and lungs. Reflecting on her experience, Emma urges people to trust their instincts and seek medical advice if they suspect something is wrong. She was disappointed that her condition was not identified sooner by medical professionals but feels grateful to be alive. Emma’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the potential risks associated with contraceptive pills and the importance of seeking medical attention if any adverse effects are experienced.

Emma’s ordeal began when she suffered a seizure at home, followed by another blackout days later that led to her hospitalisation. Despite feeling unwell and struggling to breathe, it was not until the fourth day in the high dependency unit that doctors told her she could have died due to blood clots caused by the contraceptive pill. Her GP later phoned to apologise for prescribing the pill, as it was deemed unsuitable for Emma due to her medical history. Emma feels let down by the paramedics who initially missed the signs of her condition, highlighting the importance of vigilant healthcare providers in identifying and addressing potential risks promptly.

As Emma continues to recover from her health scare, she remains apprehensive about the near-death experience and the ongoing impact on her daily life. Her leg remains swollen, and she experiences difficulty breathing and limited mobility. The incident has left her feeling terrified and anxious about what could have happened if the blood clots had not been detected in time. Emma’s message to others is clear – if you suspect any health issues, especially those related to medications, do not hesitate to seek medical advice and have yourself checked. She underscores the importance of being proactive about one’s health and advocating for appropriate medical care when needed.

The confusion and frustration Emma endured highlight the potentially devastating consequences of improper medical prescriptions and the significance of informed decision-making regarding healthcare. By sharing her story, Emma hopes to raise awareness about the dangers associated with contraceptive pills and the importance of individual health assessments. Her experience serves as a reminder for individuals to be vigilant about their health, question medical advice, and seek clarification or alternative options when necessary. Emma’s resilience and determination to recover underscore the importance of listening to one’s body and advocating for one’s well-being in the face of medical challenges. This cautionary tale encourages individuals to prioritize their health and well-being, demonstrating the value of taking proactive steps in managing medical conditions and seeking appropriate interventions when needed.

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