In early May, Justine Carter experienced a spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) that led to a heart attack. She was exercising on her treadmill when she suddenly felt extremely nauseated and began vomiting violently. She lost consciousness, and her 4-year-old son called for help. Thanks to the quick actions of her mother-in-law, who performed CPR, Justine survived the incident. Doctors later discovered that she had SCAD, a condition where a tear develops in the layers of an artery, leading to a blockage of blood flow to the heart.

After being rushed to the hospital and stabilized, Justine was kept in an induced coma to allow her heart muscle to heal. Concerns about brain damage arose, but she showed signs of recovery when she was successfully weaned off sedation. Doctors explained to her that she had experienced SCAD, a rare condition that can cause heart attacks in seemingly healthy individuals. Justine was discharged from the hospital but suffered another heart attack shortly after, leading to another hospitalization and an open-heart procedure.

SCAD occurs randomly and experts are unsure why it happens, but it commonly affects healthy women without heart disease. Justine’s second heart attack was a continuation of the first dissection, but the implantation of a temporary heart pump allowed her heart time to recover. She experienced fatigue and needed help caring for her children after returning home, but she was grateful for the support and care she received from her family. Justine emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and advocating for yourself, especially as women are often dismissed when expressing health concerns.

After her ordeal, Justine started cardiac rehabilitation and continues to meet regularly with her cardiologist. She takes medications and can no longer participate in high-intensity cardio activities, but she has found joy in walking. She hopes that others will learn from her experience and pay attention to any signs of distress their bodies may be showing. Justine credits the quick actions of her mother-in-law for saving her life and stresses the importance of knowing CPR in emergency situations. She considers herself incredibly lucky to have survived and is grateful for the second chance at life she has been given.

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