The controversy surrounding Maryland Governor Wes Moore’s White House fellowship application from 18 years ago has come to light after a copy of the document was obtained by the New York Times through a Freedom of Information Act request. In the application, Moore claimed to have received a Bronze Star for his military service in Afghanistan, but later admitted that he never actually received the award. Moore stated that he was encouraged to apply for the fellowship by his deputy brigade commander and was instructed to include the Bronze Star on his application, as it had been recommended by senior officers.

However, towards the end of his deployment, Moore discovered that he had not actually been awarded the Bronze Star. Despite this, he did not correct the information on his application upon his return home. Moore has acknowledged that it was an “honest mistake” and expressed regret for not updating his application. He emphasized that he has always been dedicated to supporting fellow veterans, a mission he continues to prioritize as governor. The Bronze Star is typically given to service members for exemplary service in combat zones, and Moore was listed as a top 1% officer in Operation Enduring Freedom on his officer evaluation report.

During television appearances in 2008 and 2010, Moore was introduced as a Bronze Star recipient but did not correct the hosts. When questioned about this during his 2022 gubernatorial race, Moore defended his decision, stating that he did not feel compelled to correct the misinformation on live television. He characterized the criticisms surrounding this issue as part of “desperate attacks” against him during his campaign for governor. The Times also interviewed the officer who had recommended including the Bronze Star on Moore’s application, Lt. Gen. Michael Fenzel, who confirmed that he had approved the recommendation and encouraged Moore to include it in his application.

While the controversy has raised questions about Moore’s actions and the accuracy of his credentials, he maintains that his dedication to serving veterans and the community has always been his top priority. The incident highlights the importance of accuracy in applications and the need for transparency in public officials’ backgrounds. As Moore continues to face scrutiny over this issue, it remains to be seen how it will impact his tenure as governor and his future political aspirations. Despite the misstep, Moore’s commitment to supporting veterans and his efforts to address the situation with honesty and accountability will likely play a role in how the public perceives him moving forward.

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