Families are gathering at the Ecomuseum in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue for their annual Easter celebration, enjoying games and activities for children. Organizers expected a larger turnout this year due to the nice weather, with thousands of visitors coming on just Saturday alone. The focus of the event is not just on Easter festivities, but also on educating the public about the native species of animals at the zoo and how environmental issues affect them.

Executive director David Rodrigue explains that the purpose of the event is to connect people with the animals at the zoo, sparking an interest in learning more about the environment and how human actions impact other creatures. Issues such as water management and the importance of ecosystems are raised, with a specific focus on climate change. The early spring this year had negative effects on some animals at the zoo, such as the black bear emerging from hibernation weeks early. This demonstrates the impact of climate change on wildlife, with some species benefiting while others, like the red fox, face challenges.

The educational aspect of the event is important to Rodrigue, who believes that helping people understand the connections between animals, the environment, and themselves can lead to a greater appreciation for nature. By presenting these lessons in a fun and engaging way, such as through Easter activities, visitors are more likely to absorb and retain the information. Sinclair Harris, a visitor who frequently brings her Girls Guides groups to the Ecomuseum, agrees that making learning enjoyable is key to raising awareness about environmental issues.

The Ecomuseum’s Easter event is designed to not only provide entertainment for families but also to promote environmental education and conservation. By encouraging visitors to connect with the animals at the zoo and understand the impacts of human actions on wildlife, the hope is to inspire a sense of responsibility towards protecting the environment. The event wraps up on Monday, leaving families with a greater appreciation for nature and the importance of conservation efforts.

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