Uniswap crypto exchange has recently listed Mollars token, which is being hailed as the new version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum Blockchain. This move has surprised investors as it is the 4th exchange to include this store-of-value token. The presale for Mollars token ended on June 1st, raising almost $1.7 million. There are a total of 10 million $MOLLARS tokens, with no additional supply to be issued. Of this total supply, 40% was allocated to the initial coin offering, with presale investors purchasing over 87% of those tokens.

The Mollars team has announced through social media that three more crypto exchanges, including LBank, Bitmart, and XT, will be listing the $MOLLARS token in the coming week. This news has encouraged investors to hold onto their tokens, as increased trading activity can drive up the value of the token. The concept of applying pressure refers to the idea that more users buying the token will increase demand against a limited supply, leading to price appreciation. The potential exposure to over 20 million crypto traders through these additional exchanges is expected to further boost the token’s value.

The listing of Mollars token on Uniswap, the #1 decentralized crypto exchange, has had a significant impact on its price. Within hours of being listed on Uniswap at $0.32, the token surged to a high of $0.87 before undergoing a correction. As of the latest update, the token’s value has settled at $0.42, representing an ROI of over 40% since its listing. While this initial increase has benefited presale investors and traders on Uniswap, the true stability of the token’s price will be determined once it is listed on all four exchanges.

Uniswap, with over 30 million active users and being the 5th largest application on the Ethereum blockchain, has provided a significant platform for the listing of Mollars token. The high volume of transactions on Uniswap, which exceeds 1 trillion dollars, offers a promising environment for the token to gain traction. The listing on Uniswap has set a positive tone for the future value of Mollars token, as it prepares for listings on additional exchanges that are expected to expose the token to an even larger audience. The potential for increased trading volumes and liquidity on these exchanges could lead to further appreciation in the token’s value.

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