Collina Strada’s New York Fashion Week show titled “Touch Grass” took place in an East Village green space, where models pushed lawnmowers and rolled around in mud on the unconventional catwalk. The creative director, Hillary Taymour, aimed to maintain the brand’s fun and goofy aesthetic in a more mature way. The show featured a green dress, lime green tresses of Elizabeth Sweetheart, and VIP attendees like Hayley Williams and Ella Emhoff.

The collection and show were designed to bring some light-heartedness during challenging times, with Collina Strada drawing inspiration from nature. Taymour mentioned that she wanted to provide a sense of calm amid the chaos of current events such as the pandemic and political turmoil. The “Touch Grass” collection was a way for the designer to express gratitude for having a healthy business and to find inner peace and positivity.

Despite its unconventional nature, the use of acrobatics and lawnmowers in the show was not out of character for Collina Strada, a brand known for its peculiar and unorthodox approach to fashion. In the previous year, models had walked down the catwalk in animal prosthetics while showcasing the fall 2023 collection. The eccentricity and creativity displayed by the brand have garnered attention and praise from fashion enthusiasts and critics alike.

The Collina Strada show at New York Fashion Week attracted a diverse audience, including VIP guests like Hayley Williams and Ella Emhoff. The presence of notable figures added to the excitement and glamour of the event, showcasing the brand’s appeal to a wide range of individuals. The inclusion of models like Elizabeth Sweetheart, known as the Green Lady of Brooklyn, added a sense of uniqueness and individuality to the show.

The unconventional presentation and styling of the collection reflected Collina Strada’s innovative approach to fashion design. By incorporating elements of nature and whimsy into the show, the brand sought to offer a refreshing and distinctive experience for attendees. The use of grassy knolls, muddy runways, and playful interactions between models and guests set the tone for a memorable and engaging fashion showcase.

Overall, the Collina Strada New York Fashion Week show stood out for its creativity, eccentricity, and ability to bring a sense of levity to the fashion world. Through the “Touch Grass” collection, the brand succeeded in offering a unique and refreshing perspective on design while embracing the whimsical and unconventional elements that have become synonymous with its aesthetic. The show’s unconventional setting and playful atmosphere contributed to its success in captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impression on the fashion industry.

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