The lawyer for the family of the Missouri teen who was brutally beaten in a viral video provided an update on the victim’s condition, stating that she has shown slight improvement. While Kaylee is able to walk with assistance, she still faces significant cognitive impairment and struggles with limited conversations. Despite being aware of her hospitalization, Kaylee does not fully understand why she is there. The altercation between Kaylee and the suspect occurred off-campus and outside of school hours, resulting in traumatic head injuries for the 16-year-old victim.

The suspect, a 15-year-old girl, appeared in court for the first time, where some members of Kaylee’s family were present. The details of the court hearing were not shared due to confidentiality reasons in the juvenile court system. The family expressed a desire for the accused to be tried as an adult, but were heartened by statements from the suspect expressing regret for the incident. Meanwhile, social media posts making light of the attack, ostensibly made by the alleged attacker, were refuted by the victim’s family, who maintained their belief in the seriousness of the crime and the need for the suspect to be held accountable.

In addition to the suspect, eight other teenagers have been referred to the St. Louis County Family Court for their involvement in the altercation, indicating that multiple individuals may have witnessed or participated in the violent incident. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has launched an investigation into the Hazelwood School District in response to the attack, specifically focusing on the district’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and their impact on school safety. Bailey expressed concern over the district’s prioritization of divisive programming over student safety and emphasized the importance of school resource officers in preventing and addressing conflicts before they escalate.

The school district has denied any wrongdoing in relation to the attack, highlighting that the altercation did not take place on school grounds. Bailey emphasized the role of school resource officers in providing security and early intervention to prevent violent incidents, urging schools to prioritize student safety above all else. The investigation into the school district’s DEI programs aims to uncover any potential factors that may have contributed to the failure to prevent the violent attack on Kaylee. While the victim’s family believes that the suspect should be tried as an adult given the severity of the crime, they remain hopeful for justice and are encouraged by the suspect’s apparent remorse for their actions.

Despite the progress in Kaylee’s ability to walk, she continues to face challenges in communication and cognitive functioning. The family’s lawyer emphasized the seriousness of the traumatic injuries sustained by the victim and the need for accountability in the legal process. As the case unfolds in the juvenile court system, the family remains committed to seeking justice for Kaylee and holding those responsible for the attack accountable for their actions. The broader investigation into the school district’s DEI programs serves as a critical examination of the factors that may have contributed to the safety failures surrounding the violent incident, highlighting the importance of proactive measures to ensure the well-being of students in educational settings.

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