A Missouri ethics panel is deadlocked over reported misconduct by state House Speaker Dean Plocher, who allegedly used his office to hinder an investigation into his actions. The panel’s draft report recommended that the House denounce Plocher’s actions, which were deemed to damage public confidence in the General Assembly. Despite a 6-2 vote against the report, it was made public, with another Ethics Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday. Plocher has yet to respond to requests for comment on the matter.

Complaints against Plocher include allegations that he used his influence as speaker to push for a contract with a company, Fireside, for a new constituent services program. It was revealed that Fireside’s parent company, FiscalNote, had hired lobbyists in an attempt to secure the contract. In addition, Plocher is accused of improperly requesting taxpayer funds to cover expenses, including a business-class ticket to Hawaii and charges for other work trips dating back to 2018. Plocher admitted to accepting reimbursements from both the state and his campaign, a violation of Missouri law, and has since reimbursed the state about $4,000.

The Ethics Committee has faced challenges in investigating Plocher’s dealings with Fireside, as witnesses, including Plocher himself, have refused to cooperate. The independent investigator hired by the House, Beth Boggs, expressed difficulty completing the investigation due to the fear expressed by potential witnesses. Plocher’s refusal to subpoena witnesses further impeded the committee’s progress. The draft report also accuses Plocher of blocking payment for the independent investigator, leading to delays in payments to contractors involved in the investigation.

The investigation into Plocher’s conduct has cost approximately $17,000 to complete, with contractors remaining unpaid due to the speaker’s approval being required. Missouri lawmakers have limited time left in the legislative session, adding urgency to the resolution of the ethics inquiry. The ongoing impasse within the Ethics Committee highlights the challenges of holding a powerful state official accountable for alleged misconduct. With the public availability of the draft report and the upcoming hearing, the case against Plocher continues to unfold, raising questions about transparency and integrity in state governance. As the investigation progresses, the outcome could have significant implications for Plocher’s future and the reputation of the Missouri General Assembly.

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