This article discusses a nonstop, overnight filibuster by Democratic lawmakers in the Missouri Senate as they oppose a Republican proposal to make it more difficult to amend the state constitution. The Democrats are aiming to delay the legislation in hopes of pushing Republicans to compromise on the constitutional amendment before the session ends. They are particularly concerned about a provision added by Republicans regarding noncitizen voting, which they believe is a distraction from the main issue at hand. Senator Lauren Arthur emphasized the importance of ensuring that voters understand what they are being asked to vote on if the proposal reaches the ballot.

The current process allows constitutional amendments to pass with a simple majority of 51% of all voters statewide. Republicans are now seeking to require amendments to also have support from 51% of voters in a majority of congressional districts. This is seen as a strategy to give more weight to voters in rural areas that lean towards the GOP, in contrast to urban areas. The Republicans argue that policies like the legalization of recreational marijuana, approved by voters in 2022, should not be included in the constitution, leading them to push for stricter limits on amendments.

Missouri Republicans have been pushing for stricter limits on constitutional amendments for some time. The urgency has increased due to efforts by abortion-rights advocates to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot legalizing abortion. Earlier this year, Senate Democrats and Republicans reached a compromise on the proposal, with Democrats ending another filibuster after provisions on noncitizen voting were removed. However, the House Republicans later re-added that language, causing negotiations to regress to a previous point. The pressure is now on to come to an agreement before the session ends.

Senators are taking turns participating in the filibuster to give their exhausted colleagues some rest. Discussions during the filibuster have ranged from the main issue at hand to unrelated topics such as football and favorite movies starring Denzel Washington. The aim is to delay the legislation in the hopes of influencing Republicans to compromise on the constitutional amendment. The clock is ticking as the deadline for passing legislation approaches, and the outcome of the filibuster could have significant implications for the future of constitutional amendments in Missouri.

As the filibuster continues into its second day, tensions are high in the Missouri Senate. Democrats are pushing back against Republican efforts to change the state’s constitution, particularly critical of the provisions related to noncitizen voting. The intense debate and efforts of both sides to sway the outcome reflect the importance of this issue to both parties. With the clock ticking towards the end of the session, the fate of the proposal and its potential impact on the state’s constitution remains uncertain. The outcome of this filibuster could potentially shape the future of constitutional amendments in Missouri for years to come.

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