The City Council in Minneapolis unanimously voted to implement a minimum retail price of $15 per pack of cigarettes in an effort to promote public health. The ordinance not only sets a floor price, but also prohibits price discounts and coupons to prevent smokers and retailers from circumventing the minimum price. The minimum price also applies to four-packs of cigars and prohibits the distribution of free samples. Consumer prices are expected to increase even further after taxes are factored in, and the higher prices may lead to a decrease in sales. E-cigarettes were not included in the ordinance due to the wide variation in their prices.

The minimum price will take effect as soon as Mayor Jacob Frey signs the measure, which is expected to happen in the next few days. According to senior public health specialist Evalyn Carbrey, the minimum price of $15 per pack will make Minneapolis the city with the highest minimum cigarette price in the country. Previously, cigarettes in Minneapolis were selling for $11 to $13.50 a pack, and the new minimum price surpasses New York City’s $13 minimum set in 2018. Council Member LaTrisha Vetaw, the author of the ordinance, emphasized that the council is prioritizing public health by addressing the cigarette crisis in the city.

Council President Andrea Jenkins shared that the high price of cigarettes was a motivating factor for her to quit smoking eight years ago. She hopes that the new minimum price will encourage others to quit smoking or refrain from starting. Jenkins noted that in cities like New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles, the price of cigarettes is significantly higher than the new minimum in Minneapolis. Penalties for violating the minimum price will range from a $500 fine for a first offense to license suspensions and revocations for repeat offenders. Council Member Linea Palmisano expressed that even if the ordinance helps just one person quit smoking or reduces tobacco use, it would be worth it to make the hard changes necessary to break the dependence on tobacco.

Overall, the implementation of the $15 minimum price per pack of cigarettes in Minneapolis is a significant step towards promoting public health and reducing smoking rates in the city. With penalties in place for violating the minimum price, there is hope that the ordinance will lead to positive outcomes such as fewer smokers and less tobacco use. The council’s commitment to addressing the public health crisis related to smoking is evident in their unanimous vote in support of the ordinance. By setting a high bar for minimum cigarette prices, Minneapolis is taking a strong stance against smoking and supporting the well-being of its residents.

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