The Ministry stated that inspections of price tags at retail establishments, including chain stores and stationery shops, were carried out intensively to protect consumers’ economic interests and prevent possible grievances during back-to-school shopping. Necessary precautions were taken to prevent products that could negatively impact children’s health before the start of the new educational period, with inspections being conducted in accordance with a “zero tolerance for unsafe products” principle.

It was emphasized in the statement that inspections conducted by trade inspectors under the coordination of the General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance prevented unsafe products from reaching consumers by targeting manufacturers, importers, and wholesalers. The Ministry affirmed that every necessary measure is being taken with determination to protect children.

The inspections involved tests conducted in accredited laboratories on stationery supplies, school bags, children’s shoes, and school uniforms to examine parts of the products that could physically harm children. The statement also mentioned that in addition to identifying potential risks posed by the products, checks were made on label information to ensure that consumers were properly informed.

In the event that unsafe products are discovered during inspections, the information will be shared with consumers through the Unsafe Product Information System accessible at the “” address, as stated in the announcement. The statement further indicated that the supply of unsafe products to the market will be banned and recalled, administrative fines will be imposed on the manufacturers and importers of such products. If it is determined that unsafe products contain misleading advertisements like “does not contain harmful substances to health”, investigations will be initiated by the Advertising Board under the Ministry.

Guidance activities have been carried out to inform manufacturers, importers, and distributors about regulations pertaining to the protection of children’s health and safety, as mentioned in the announcement. It was underscored that every measure to protect the health and safety of children is being taken resolutely.

The announcement also highlighted important factors that consumers should pay attention to when making purchases. It was emphasized that stationery products with the clear name and address of the manufacturer or importer should be preferred. Consumers were advised to choose products with a known brand and model, as well as Turkish warnings on them. In the case of stationery products resembling toys or with toy-like features, it was recommended to check for age-related warnings. Additionally, consumers were reminded to look for the CE mark on products like paint materials, playdough, and finger paints that can be classified as toys. In textile and footwear products, labels and markings indicating the contents must be in Turkish and easily readable. Attention was also drawn to potential risks such as cords, laces, and small decorative elements in children’s clothing that could pose a hazard.

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