Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano met with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in order to clarify the statements made in a letter sent to the newspaper ‘La Stampa’. Sangiuliano emphasized that no Ministry funds were used for the travel and stays of Maria Rosaria Boccia, who was not granted access to confidential documents related to the G7 Culture organization. After the hour-and-a-half meeting at Palazzo Chigi, Sangiuliano returned to his office without making any statements to journalists.

The case revolves around Maria Rosaria Boccia, who publicly claimed to be a consultant for the Ministry of Culture, a claim that was denied by the staff. There were concerns raised about Boccia potentially accessing confidential documents and whether public funds were used for her travels alongside the minister. Prime Minister Meloni assured that Boccia did not access any confidential documents, particularly related to the G7, and no public funds were spent on her. Meloni stated that these were the critical government-related issues, leaving gossip to others to comment on.

In a letter to La Stampa, Sangiuliano mentioned that he had considered appointing Maria Rosaria Boccia as an advisor to the minister for major events, on a pro bono basis. However, concerns about potential conflicts of interest were raised by the Cabinet, leading to the decision not to proceed with the appointment. Sangiuliano reaffirmed that no Ministry funds were used for Boccia’s travel or stays, stating that not even a coffee was expensed by the Ministry for her.

Maria Rosaria Boccia responded on Instagram, claiming that she never paid for anything out of her own pocket. She stated that she was always under the impression that the Ministry covered the expenses for advisors, as all trips were arranged by the Ministry’s Chief of Staff. Boccia’s remarks added another layer to the controversy surrounding her involvement with the Ministry of Culture and raised further questions about the nature of her role and the use of public funds in connection with her activities.

The lack of communication between President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni regarding the issue surrounding Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano and Maria Rosaria Boccia was highlighted by sources at the Quirinale. The situation remains under scrutiny, with ongoing discussions and clarifications being sought to address the concerns raised by the public and opposition parties. The case continues to attract attention and scrutiny, with the key players working to provide clarity and transparency on the matter.

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