The Ukraine has been defending itself for over two years against an aggressive Russia under Putin, which is deemed reckless and criminal as it violates international law and brings the horror of military conflict back to Europe. The core of this aggression seems to be an attempt to erase Ukrainian cultural identity and annihilate the signs of a nation that has shown courage and determination in choosing its own future. It is essential to stand by the Ukrainian people in defense of their sovereignty, as highlighted by Italian Minister of Culture, Alessandro Giuli, at the G7 Culture in Naples. The importance of culture as a central pillar of civil coexistence, a tool for mutual understanding and confrontation, and a driver for sustainable development is emphasized. Protecting culture becomes imperative to safeguard cultural identity, democracy, the rule of law, freedom of expression, and pluralism.

Giuli also addresses the fight against the illegal trafficking of cultural goods, a market often controlled by criminal organizations that plunder the cultural heritage of nations. Another rising threat to cultural assets is climate change and natural disasters, which expose cultural heritage to degradation and destruction. The delegation of ministers at the G7 Culture includes Japan’s Minister of Culture Moriyama Masahito and maintains a numerical majority of female representatives. However, there have been unexpected changes in the institutional representation of several countries, such as France, the UK, Germany, the US, Europe, and Canada. This shift reflects evolving institutional dynamics and priorities within these nations.

The proceeds from the sale of the commemorative medal “Two Years of Ukrainian Resistance,” donated by Italian Minister of Culture Alessandro Giuli to Mykola Tochytskyi, Minister of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine at the G7 Culture, will support the activities of the pediatric hospital in Lviv, which provides care and assistance to Ukrainian children affected by the war. The donation of the medal symbolizes solidarity and respect while demonstrating a comprehensive project to aid Ukraine. The funds raised from the sale of the medal will assist the pediatric hospital in Lviv in its mission to care for children impacted by the war. Giuli also presented the medal to other G7 representatives, recognizing their efforts in supporting Ukraine and encouraging collaboration to defend the cultural identity of a nation under attack and impact on its cultural heritage. The medal, minted at the State Mint, was strongly supported by the Italian government to honor the Ukrainian people’s resistance against Russian invasion.

The G7 Culture meeting in Naples emphasizes the critical role of culture in fostering civil coexistence, mutual understanding, and sustainable development. It also highlights the importance of protecting cultural heritage in the face of threats such as illegal trafficking, climate change, and natural disasters. The delegation includes representatives from various countries, with a notable representation of female ministers. The support for Ukraine’s resistance against Russian aggression, as demonstrated through the donation of a commemorative medal and discussions on cultural identity, sovereignty, and heritage protection, underscores the commitment of the international community to stand by the Ukrainian people in their struggle.

The cultural sector plays a vital role in promoting democracy, rule of law, freedom of expression, and pluralism. By safeguarding cultural heritage and identity, nations can preserve their history, values, and community cohesion. The G7 Culture meeting serves as a platform for discussing shared challenges and responses in the cultural field, reinforcing the value of cultural diplomacy and cooperation in addressing global threats to cultural assets. The solidarity shown towards Ukraine’s cultural resilience sends a powerful message of support and unity, underscoring the shared commitment to defending cultural diversity and heritage in the face of external aggression and internal challenges.

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