Foreign Minister Fidan visited local businesses in the Kemalpaşa district as part of his visit to Izmir. Following this, Minister Fidan moved on to the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, where he spoke at the “Izmir Business World Meeting” event. He expressed his appreciation for the activities organized by the business world, highlighting the importance of collaboration and consensus in times of global uncertainty.

Fidan emphasized the historical significance of the Aegean Region as a cradle of civilization, culture, economy, trade, and transportation throughout the ages. He noted that it was not a coincidence that the first economic congress of the young Republic was held in Izmir. Fidan also highlighted the role of the Aegean region in reflecting the dynamism of the Turkish nation in production and exports, making Turkey a leading brand in the world.

As someone who has spent 13 years leading the intelligence agency, Fidan stated that one of his priorities upon assuming the role of Minister was to open the way for entrepreneurs at a global level. He emphasized the importance of developing strategies to harness the unique human resources of the country and turn them into a global force in collaboration with the private sector and organizations worldwide.

Fidan underscored the importance of peace and security in achieving economic development and regional prosperity. He highlighted Turkey’s efforts in fostering positive relations with neighboring countries and combating terrorism to ensure the security of the nation and the region. Fidan also mentioned the significant progress made in eliminating the root causes of terrorism and emphasized Turkey’s commitment to peace and stability.

The Minister outlined Turkey’s goal of strengthening economic relations with the United States and European Union, emphasizing the importance of increasing trade volume and direct investments. Despite facing prejudices and political debates, particularly from the US and EU, Turkey is committed to working towards enhancing economic ties with these partners. Fidan also mentioned diplomatic efforts to update the Customs Union with the EU and achieve visa liberalization.

Fidan highlighted the government’s ambitious goals for Izmir, aiming to transform the city into a world-class hub for energy, transportation, knowledge, technology, and innovation. The vision is to create a bright future for youth, lead economic and social development, and provide access to global strategic markets. The meeting was attended by various officials, including the Governor of Izmir, the Presidents of Izmir Chamber of Commerce and Izmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as representatives from the business world.

Despite the progress and achievements in various sectors, Fidan emphasized the need for continued collaboration with neighboring and global partners to further enhance economic development and regional prosperity. The program continued behind closed doors following the speeches, where discussions on further strategies and actions were presumably held.

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