Millions of dollars are being spent by national pro-voucher advocates to support candidates in Republican-led Legislatures who are in favor of school choice programs. In Tennessee, over $4.5 million was spent in the primary election to elect candidates who support school choice proposals. In Texas, similar advocacy groups spent at least $14.8 million to replace voucher opponents. The School Freedom Fund, the American Federation for Children, and Americans for Prosperity are among the high-profile voucher influencers backing this spending spree.

Republican leaders have been pushing for taxpayer-funded vouchers or scholarships that can be used at any public or private school, regardless of income. While some states have implemented voucher programs with strict requirements, there is a push to make them more widely available. However, there has been resistance from both Democrats and some Republican members wary of diverting public education funds away from their districts. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee faced opposition within his own party on universal school choice and had to abandon his plans earlier this year.

Outside groups like Club for Growth, American Federation for Children, and Americans for Prosperity Action have poured millions of dollars into legislative races to support candidates who back school vouchers. In Tennessee, Governor Lee endorsed candidates in open legislative seats, resulting in modest gains for the school choice cause. However, his endorsement of a voucher bill sponsor led to criticism from former President Donald Trump. In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott also celebrated major wins for voucher advocates in the primary election, following a defeat of a school voucher bill the previous year.

Focusing on primary voters may be a winning strategy for voucher advocates to secure key state-level races, but it raises concerns about representation and democracy. In Tennessee, a small proportion of voters are driving outcomes, which could be detrimental to democracy, according to political science professor John Geer. In Texas, Governor Abbott and national voucher groups successfully ousted voucher opponents in the primary election to ensure a legislative victory in 2025. Similar efforts were seen in Idaho, where anti-school voucher Republican incumbents lost their reelection bids after spending from pro-voucher groups.

Overall, the push for school vouchers and school choice programs is gaining momentum in Republican-led states, with significant financial backing from national advocacy groups. The focus on primary elections as a key battleground highlights the importance of electing candidates who support voucher programs. Despite criticism and challenges within their own party, governors like Bill Lee in Tennessee and Greg Abbott in Texas remain committed to advancing school choice policies. The influence of outside groups and the emphasis on primary voters raise questions about representation and the future of education policy in these states.

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