Fashionistas are going to great lengths to get their hands on the trendy must-have accessory: beaded handbags. Sold exclusively at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s, these whimsical bags from the brand “Made in India” have become a sought-after item, with prices ranging from $25 to $40. Consumers are going to extreme measures, even traveling to different states, in order to track down these rare accessories.

One shopper, Sydney Moore, went on a mission to find a magenta beaded handbag she saw on TikTok. After multiple failed attempts in Manhattan, she enlisted the help of family in Connecticut to find the bag. With determination, she eventually found the perfect bag for her upcoming vacation outfit at a TJ Maxx in Soho, demonstrating the lengths some are willing to go to in order to secure these fashionable accessories.

Social media has played a significant role in the popularity of these beaded bags, with over 70,000 videos on TikTok showcasing the quest to find them. Handcrafted in India, the bags come in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes, appealing to a wide range of fashion tastes. They are described as being versatile, complementing a variety of outfits and seasons, and have become a symbol of a fashionable lifestyle for many.

Maya Phillips, a self-proclaimed “beaded bag girl,” has amassed a collection of 40 beaded purses in just a month, spending over $1,000 in the process. Phillips utilized TikTok live personal shoppers to help her locate bags across the country, as she found limited options in her local area. Despite the challenges, she was able to acquire nearly all of the bags she desired, showcasing her dedication to this fashion trend.

The allure of these handcrafted bags lies in their affordability compared to designer brands such as STAUD and Susan Alexandra, whose beaded bags can cost upwards of $200 to $300. This makes the “Made in India” bags a more accessible option for many shoppers. TJ Maxx representative Kate Noonan noted the thrill of finding these trendy items in store and emphasized the retailer’s commitment to providing a treasure hunt shopping experience.

Despite being sold at relatively low prices, the beaded bags have seen a surge in demand on resale sites, with some sellers listing them for nearly three times the original price. This is a testament to the popularity and desirability of these unique accessories. Despite the challenges of tracking them down, fashion enthusiasts like Phillips are proud to own multiple bags and enjoy showcasing their collection to the world, making a statement with their dedication to this fashion trend.

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