The Spanish designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada recently visited Buenos Aires and made a controversial statement, declaring that in Spain, the biggest hero is the politician Milei, who has many fans. She also mentioned that Argentina is very trendy in Spain, with many Argentinians buying houses there. This phenomenon of Argentinians leaving their country in large numbers suggests a concerning trend of exile, rather than just a fashionable choice. This raises questions about the true meaning of being a hero and the concept of trends.

In Argentina, there are several individuals who support Milei and his cause, contributing to his status as a hero in the eyes of some. Nahuel Sotelo, in charge of the now renamed “Cult and Civilization” secretariat, is one such supporter. He opposes the abortion law, criticizes the law on sexual identity, and advocates for biological sex education rather than gender-related issues. The Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, has also expressed controversial views, stating that diversity of sexual identities are subjective inventions and emphasizing the importance of preserving the family as a central pillar of society.

In July, six deputies from the La Libertad Avanza party, led by Milei, visited convicted genocides from the last dictatorship in Ezeiza prison, including Alfredo Astiz, known for infiltrating the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and causing the disappearance of two members. The purpose of these visits was speculated to be an attempt to reduce sentences and secure pardons or house arrests. Additionally, recent actions such as the dismantling of CONADI, the Special Unit for the Investigation of the Disappearance of Children during the dictatorship, and the dismantling of the Analysis and Assessment Team of the Armed Forces archives, which provided evidence in human rights abuse trials, have raised concerns about human rights violations.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada highlighted the popularity of Argentine culture in Spain, with a growing number of Argentinians relocating there. However, this migration may be indicative of a troubling exodus rather than a positive trend. The trendiness of Argentine culture abroad should not overshadow the underlying issues that may be driving people to leave their homeland. The concept of heroism and the meaning of trends should be reconsidered in light of these developments and the implications they have for society and individuals.

The complex political landscape in Argentina, with various individuals supporting controversial figures and actions, reflects a divided society grappling with issues of human rights, justice, and societal values. The involvement of political figures in supporting individuals convicted of human rights abuses raises questions about the priorities and values of those in power. The international perception of Argentina as a trendy and popular destination for expatriates contrasts with the underlying issues driving people to leave, indicating a need for deeper reflection on the true meaning of heroism and societal trends. The significance of these events and their impact on society and individuals should be carefully considered in the broader context of human rights and social justice.

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