Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has issued a warning about Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threats to bring a motion to vacate against him, stating that such actions would cause chaos in Congress. Greene, angered by Johnson’s cooperation with Democrats to pass a bill funding the government, has threatened to force a vote on the motion to remove him from his position. With Republicans holding a narrow majority in the House of Representatives, Johnson’s fate would depend on whether Democrats choose to support his speakership.

Greene has also warned Johnson against passing a bill to provide supplemental aid to Ukraine, citing concerns that the funds should instead be spent on strengthening border security along the U.S.-Mexico border. She criticized what she views as a surrender to the Democrats’ agenda and lack of reason for Republican voters to support a House majority under current leadership. Johnson responded by addressing Greene’s threats, cautioning against the potential chaos in the House that a motion to vacate would bring. He emphasized the need for unity within the Republican Party to maintain and expand their majority in the upcoming November elections.

The Speaker of the House met with Greene to discuss their disagreements and the potential consequences of her proposed motion to vacate. Johnson acknowledged Greene as a friend and expressed understanding of her frustration over the appropriations bill. However, he highlighted the constraints of the slim majority in the House and the divided state of government, stressing the need for compromise and realistic expectations in achieving legislative goals. The meeting between Johnson and Greene lasted for at least 70 minutes as they sought to address their ideological differences and find common ground on strategic approaches to governance.

If Greene moves forward with introducing a motion to vacate Johnson’s speakership, it would be the second time a speaker has faced potential ouster since Republicans gained control of the House in November 2022. Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was previously removed from his position after a motion to vacate introduced by Representative Matt Gaetz. The resulting chaos within the Republican Party led to a struggle to rally behind a new leader until Johnson ultimately secured enough support to assume the speakership. As tensions continue to rise within the GOP, the outcome of Greene’s threats against Johnson remains uncertain and could have significant implications for the party’s future leadership and direction.

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