Sixteen-year-old Billy, a high school student in the South, was one of the thousands of children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border under Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy. Despite playing football and soccer at school, Billy keeps his past a secret from his friends. He and many other families are still struggling with the aftermath of the separation, with some families not yet reunited and others living in fear of potential deportations if Trump were to be re-elected.

Trump has centered his immigration views in his campaign, accusing the Biden administration and Vice President Kamala Harris of failing to secure the southern border. While Harris has not made immigration a campaign focus, she has raised concerns about Trump’s zero tolerance policy. The Trump administration’s policy aimed to criminally prosecute all adults coming across the border illegally, leading to the separation of parents from their children who were then transferred to shelters nationwide.

With the election approaching, there are concerns about what a potential Trump re-election would mean for families who were previously separated. Advocates have been working to support these families and ensure that they have the necessary resources to navigate their immigration status. The settlement reached last year between families and the Biden administration allows families two years to apply for asylum under a more favorable process, but many families remain in legal limbo.

Despite the settlement and efforts to reunite families, there are still challenges in locating and reuniting all the separated children and parents. Various organizations and advocacy groups have been involved in the reunification efforts, with many families still waiting to be reunited or unable to come forward out of fear. The trauma and emotional toll of the family separation policy are evident in the stories shared by those who experienced it, with lingering effects on their mental well-being.

The Trump administration’s policy deviated from the standard practice of keeping families together at the border, aiming to deter illegal border crossings by prosecuting all individuals. While Trump has claimed that his policy was effective in reducing border crossings, the humanitarian cost of separating families has been widely criticized. Efforts to reunite families have continued under the Biden administration, but challenges remain in locating and contacting all separated families.

As families continue to grapple with the consequences of the family separation policy, advocates and organizations are working to provide support and resources to those affected. The emotional toll on children like Billy and Efrain, who were separated from their parents, is evident in their struggles with anxiety and loneliness. Sharing their stories and advocating for change, these individuals hope to ensure that such traumatic experiences are not repeated in the future. Through their efforts, they aim to raise awareness and seek justice for the families who suffered under the zero tolerance immigration policy.

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