The U.S. Border Patrol reported a decline in migrant encounters in April, with 128,900 encounters recorded between ports of entry along the southwest border. This figure was 30% lower than in April 2023 and 6% lower than in March. CBP officials stated that they are surging resources and personnel to impacted sectors along the border to ensure safe and orderly processing of individuals. However, separate figures showed that there were 1.6 million known gotaways from fiscal year 2021 to fiscal year 2023, which are illegal immigrants who were seen or detected but never apprehended. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens expressed concern about the unknown risks posed by these individuals.

CBP processed 41,400 people through appointments at ports of entry in April, with over 591,000 appointments scheduled since the introduction of the CBP One app in January 2023. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who has faced criticism for the influx of migrants entering the U.S., has acknowledged changes in migration flow. Mayorkas highlighted that before 2013, the majority of individuals attempting to cross the border did so without being caught. Under the current administration, the estimated annual apprehension rate has averaged 78%, similar to the rate seen in the prior administration.

The issue of known gotaways poses a significant challenge for Border Patrol officials, as these individuals evade capture and remain unidentified. Chief Owens emphasized the importance of understanding the motivations and intentions of individuals who take risks to cross the border in dangerous conditions. The lack of information about these individuals, their origins, and their intentions represents a security risk that concerns law enforcement authorities. The uncertainty surrounding known gotaways and their potential threats is a major focus for officials working to secure the southern border.

The surge in resources and personnel along the border aims to facilitate the expeditious processing of individuals and maximize expedited removals. Despite the decrease in migrant encounters, the issue of known gotaways remains a significant concern for Border Patrol officials. The introduction of the CBP One app has enabled the efficient scheduling of appointments at ports of entry, helping to manage the flow of individuals seeking entry into the U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas has emphasized the importance of addressing changes in migration flow and maintaining a high rate of apprehension to safeguard national security.

Overall, the recent data on migrant encounters along the southwest border reflects a decline in numbers compared to previous months. However, the issue of known gotaways highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Border Patrol officials in securing the border and preventing individuals from evading apprehension. The efforts to streamline processing at ports of entry and enhance border security measures are essential components of the administration’s strategy to manage migration flows and address security concerns. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas and other officials continue to monitor and adapt to changes in migration patterns to safeguard the border and protect national security interests.

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