Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, recently resigned from the Starbucks board, according to a regulatory filing by Starbucks. Nadella did not provide a reason for his resignation, but he expressed confidence in Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan and the company’s senior leadership team. This comes after former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz called for “contrition and renewed focus and discipline on the core” in a LinkedIn post following a missed earnings expectation in May.

Nadella joined the Starbucks board in 2017, around the time Kevin Johnson, a former Microsoft colleague, became CEO of Starbucks. Nadella’s addition to the board was seen as valuable due to his insights into technology, international operations, and distribution. However, with his departure, the Starbucks board now consists of 10 members. In his resignation letter, Nadella expressed gratitude for his time on the board and highlighted the evolution and achievements of Starbucks during his tenure. He also expressed continued support for Starbucks’ mission and confidence in the current leadership team.

Nadella’s resignation letter, addressed to Starbucks board chair Mellody Hobson and chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, emphasized his mixed emotions and pride in serving on the board for the past seven years. He commended the growth and success of Starbucks during his time on the board and expressed confidence in the company’s future under the leadership of Laxman and the senior leadership team. Despite stepping down from the board, Nadella made it clear that he will continue to support and cheer on Starbucks from the sidelines.

Overall, Nadella’s resignation from the Starbucks board is a significant change for the company, as he brought valuable insights and expertise to the board during his tenure. His departure leaves a gap that will need to be filled with another influential figure in the tech industry. Despite his resignation, Nadella remains a supporter of Starbucks’ mission and is optimistic about the company’s future success under its current leadership. The Starbucks board will now need to adapt to the changes brought about by Nadella’s departure and continue working towards the company’s growth and innovation.

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