Aurélien Rousseau, a French deputy from Yvelines, criticized the new government of Michel Barnier, describing it as a “right-wing government that no longer pretends to be ambidextrous.” Rousseau believes that there was no attempt to engage in discussion with the left in the formation of this government. He pointed to the appointment of Bruno Retailleau as Minister of the Interior as evidence of the government’s right-wing leaning.

Rousseau also expressed skepticism regarding the appointment of Didier Migaud, a former member of the Socialist Party, as Minister of Justice. He dismissed this move as a “fairly easy maneuver” to create the illusion of a diverse political spectrum within the government. Despite this, he believes that it will not change the overall policies and direction of the government. Rousseau accuses President Emmanuel Macron of refusing to engage in dialogue with the left and of maintaining a political stance that leans towards continuity while also veering towards the right.

When asked about the contentious pension reform, Rousseau emphasized the importance of reaching an agreement with labor unions. He admitted that there had been a failure in engaging in dialogue with social partners during the reform under Elisabeth Borne. Rousseau asserted that pension reform is necessary but criticized the lack of communication between the government and the people, stating that the country is suffering from a divide between the population and the politicians.

In his remarks, Rousseau highlighted the need for a genuine discussion on the reform of the retirement system, emphasizing the importance of including all stakeholders in the decision-making process. He expressed concerns about the lack of communication between the government and social partners, which he believes has contributed to the current social and political divide in the country. Rousseau also criticized President Macron for his refusal to engage in dialogue with the left and for maintaining a political stance that leans towards continuity and veers towards the right.

Rousseau called for a more inclusive approach to policy making and governance, stressing the importance of engaging with different political perspectives in order to address the challenges facing the country. He criticized the government for its lack of communication and engagement with the left, accusing President Macron of shunning dialogue and maintaining a right-wing political stance. Rousseau emphasized the need for reform in areas such as pensions, but also stressed the importance of including all stakeholders in the decision-making process in order to create a more cohesive and inclusive political environment.

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