On September 27, 2024, Michel Barnier’s government gathered at Matignon. All ministers were present for this important meeting, including Bruno Retailleau, the powerful Minister of the Interior, and Didier Migaud, the Minister of Justice. Two newly appointed ministers, Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq and Jean-Louis Thiériot, also joined the meeting. A total of forty-one ministers from various political backgrounds came together under one roof. Despite their different political affiliations, they were united in the need to govern together.

The government had a seminar scheduled just a few days before the Prime Minister’s general policy speech on October 1st. The goal of the seminar was to smooth out disagreements and calm tensions that had arisen in the previous week. The Prime Minister asked everyone to refrain from speaking to the media without express permission from Matignon. Michel Barnier, 73, had made silence one of his strengths since taking office on September 5. He carefully navigated the political landscape, avoiding taking any firm political stances to avoid alienating different factions.

In an interview with Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire on September 27, Michel Barnier addressed concerns about potential tax increases to cover the deficit. He assured the French public that those on the ground, working and producing, would be protected from any tax hikes. However, he also acknowledged the need for some to contribute to achieving greater tax justice. His approach seemed aimed at balancing the concerns of different groups in society. Barnier’s leadership style appeared to prioritize unity and collaboration among his ministers, despite their divergent political backgrounds.

The historic gathering of ministers in Matignon signified a unique moment in French politics, as forty-one ministers from all political sides were assembled under one roof. This unity was seen as vital for the functioning of the government, especially as they prepared for the Prime Minister’s upcoming speech on his government’s policy direction. The need for cooperation and solidarity across political divides was emphasized by Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher, highlighting the shared responsibility of governing together despite differing political ideologies.

The government’s seminar aimed to address and resolve recent tensions among ministers before the Prime Minister’s policy speech. The importance of maintaining unity and avoiding public disputes was stressed by the Prime Minister’s office, with strict guidelines provided to ministers regarding media interactions. Michel Barnier’s leadership style of listening and careful communication was evident in his approach to addressing concerns about tax policy, striving to balance the interests of different segments of society. Overall, the government’s efforts to foster unity and collaboration among ministers were seen as crucial for effective governance in the face of political differences.

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