During his visit, Douglas also criticized the United States for its lack of support for Israel during the recent conflict with Hamas. He claimed that the U.S. government has not been as supportive of Israel as it should be and highlighted the need for American support for the Israeli people. Douglas’s comments come as tensions continue to rise between the U.S. and Israel over the recent conflict, with many in the U.S. calling for a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In response to Douglas’s comments, Palestinian activists and supporters have condemned his remarks, accusing him of being biased and misinformed about the situation in Gaza. They argue that Israel’s actions in the conflict have been disproportionate and have led to the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians, including women and children. They also point out that the root cause of the conflict is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the blockade of Gaza, which has led to widespread poverty and suffering among the Palestinian population.

Despite the criticism, Douglas remains firm in his support for Israel and his belief in the need for American solidarity with the Israeli people. He has called for an end to the violence and for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but also emphasized the need for Israel to defend itself against terrorist attacks. Douglas’s visit to Be’eri kibbutz and his meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog highlight the importance of international support for Israel during times of crisis.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has left many communities in ruins, with thousands of people displaced and struggling to rebuild their lives. Douglas’s visit to Be’eri kibbutz serves as a reminder of the human cost of war and the importance of standing in solidarity with those affected by violence. As the international community continues to grapple with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Douglas’s support for Israel and his call for peace underscore the need for dialogue and understanding in order to achieve a lasting resolution.

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