Machine Gun Kelly, also known as MGK, opened up about his father’s tragic past during an episode of Bunnie Xo’s “Dumb Blonde” podcast. He revealed that his dad witnessed his own father die from an accidentally-inflicted gunshot wound when he was just a child. At age 9, his father had to stand trial for the alleged murder of his own father, but both he and his grandmother were acquitted. Growing up, MGK would often be annoyed with his father’s reaction to loud noises, not understanding the trauma that he had experienced.

The rapper shared that he used to resent his father for his behavior until he had a deep conversation with him on his deathbed. MGK realized the immense trauma and difficulties his father faced in his childhood, and he now understands the impact it had on him. Raised by his father after his mother left the family, MGK had a newfound perspective on the challenges his father had to endure. In 2020, his father passed away, and MGK announced the news on Instagram, expressing the deep pain he felt from losing him.

In his “Life in Pink” documentary, MGK shared more details about his father’s tragic past, including how he witnessed his grandfather’s death at a young age. Reading a newspaper article about the incident, MGK discussed his father’s experiences with his daughter, Casie, reflecting on the unresolved trauma that was passed down to him. The musician acknowledged that his father’s struggles influenced his own upbringing and contributed to the challenges he faced as he grew up.

Dealing with the weight of his father’s traumatic childhood and struggles, MGK realizes that he and his father were both trying to figure things out amidst their shared pain. Despite initially resenting his father for his reactions to certain situations, MGK now empathizes with the challenges his father faced and the impact it had on their relationship. Through conversations with his daughter and in his music, MGK seeks to process his own experiences and break the cycle of trauma in his family.

The revelation of MGK’s father’s past sheds light on the generational trauma that can affect families and individuals. It highlights the importance of understanding the underlying struggles that loved ones may be facing and the importance of empathy and compassion in navigating complex family dynamics. As MGK continues to reflect on his father’s life and struggles, he honors his memory and works to break free from the cycle of trauma that has plagued his family for generations.

Ultimately, MGK’s journey of understanding and forgiveness towards his father’s past serves as a powerful reminder of the impact of intergenerational trauma and the importance of processing and healing from past experiences. Through his music and conversations with loved ones, MGK continues to explore the complexities of his family history and how it has shaped his own identity and relationships. In sharing his story, the rapper opens up a dialogue about resilience, healing, and breaking free from the burdens of the past.

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