Mexico has decided to break off diplomatic ties with Ecuador after Ecuadorian police forcibly entered the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas, who has sought political asylum there. Glas, who is facing corruption charges in Ecuador, was residing in the embassy since December. Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador condemned the actions of the Ecuadorian authorities, calling it an “authoritarian act” and a violation of international law and Mexico’s sovereignty.

The Mexican embassy in Quito was breached by Ecuadorian police who broke in to arrest Glas, who is accused of bribery and corruption. Mexico’s diplomatic representatives within the embassy expressed concern for Glas’ safety during the arrest, with one official stating that it was “crazy” and “totally outside the norm”. Ecuador, on the other hand, defended its actions, asserting its sovereignty and commitment to not allowing criminals to remain free within its borders.

The incident at the Mexican embassy has led to a further escalation of tensions between Mexico and Ecuador. Mexico’s secretary of foreign relations, Alicia Bárcena, stated that the break-in violated the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and that Mexico would take the case to the International Court of Justice to denounce Ecuador’s responsibility for international law violations. The Mexican diplomats present during the incident reportedly suffered injuries, prompting Mexico to demand guarantees from Ecuador for their safe return home.

Relations between Mexico and Ecuador had deteriorated even before the incident at the embassy. An earlier dispute arose after remarks made by President López Obrador regarding Ecuador’s recent elections, which the Ecuadorian government found to be “very unfortunate”. In response, Ecuador declared the Mexican ambassador persona non grata, indicating a swift and harsh reaction to the perceived interference in Ecuadorian affairs by Mexico.

It is clear that the detention of Jorge Glas has sparked a significant diplomatic crisis between Mexico and Ecuador, with both countries taking strong stands on the matter. Glas, considered one of Ecuador’s most wanted men due to his convictions on corruption charges, has become a focal point in the strained relations between the two nations. The enforcement of laws and the treatment of individuals with criminal charges seeking asylum in diplomatic missions have raised important questions about the balance between national sovereignty and international obligations.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Mexico and Ecuador will navigate the diplomatic fallout from this incident. The breach of the Mexican embassy by Ecuadorian police has prompted Mexico to sever diplomatic ties with Ecuador, indicating a serious rupture in relations between the two countries. The incident has also raised concerns about the safety and rights of individuals seeking asylum in diplomatic missions, as well as the respect for international law and diplomatic norms. The involvement of international institutions, such as the International Court of Justice, may play a crucial role in resolving the dispute and determining accountability for the violations that have occurred.

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