According to the forecast made by the General Directorate of Meteorology, today there will be scattered and locally strong rainfall with thunderstorms in the eastern part of Adana, the western districts of Osmaniye and Hatay, as well as in the south of Mardin, Siirt, Şırnak, and Hakkari. Tomorrow morning, localized heavy showers and thunderstorms will be seen in the north of Erzurum, Kars, Ağrı, Iğdır, and Van.

In Edirne and Kırklareli, as well as the inland areas of Tekirdağ, there will also be locally strong showers and thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. The Meteorology General Directorate issued a yellow warning for 15 provinces due to the expected thunderstorms. The warning advises citizens to be cautious about possible adverse weather conditions.

The provinces that have been warned are as follows: Adana, Edirne, Hakkari, Iğdır, Kırklareli, Osmaniye, Şırnak, Van, Ağrı, Erzurum, Hatay, Kars, Mardin, Siirt, and Tekirdağ. In the western part of the Mediterranean Sea, strong winds are predicted to blow from the west and northwest starting from noon today. In the Antalya Gulf, the wind will blow from the west and southwest with a force of 6 to 8 on Saturday afternoon.

The wind will lose its strength after Saturday evening. This weather forecast indicates that various parts of Turkey will experience inclement weather conditions in the coming days, with thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, and strong winds expected in several regions. It is essential for residents in these areas to take necessary precautions and stay informed about the changing weather conditions to ensure their safety. The Meteorology General Directorate will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed.

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