Meta has appointed a group of outside advisors to provide guidance on its artificial intelligence strategy. The four-person advisory group consists entirely of White men. This group, which includes tech entrepreneurs and investors, will consult with Meta’s management on strategic opportunities related to AI infrastructure, research, and product development. Despite their experience, Meta is facing criticism for not including women or people of color in the advisory group advising one of the world’s most powerful tech companies on a revolutionary technology.

Last year, OpenAI faced a similar situation when it appointed a board composed entirely of White men, leading to criticism. Months later, OpenAI added three women directors to the board. This lack of diversity in leadership roles within tech companies like Meta and OpenAI highlights the need for more inclusive decision-making processes, especially in the development of AI technologies that will impact various aspects of society.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to disrupt various areas of life, from how we get hired and work to how we consume entertainment or search for information. However, the training of AI systems on data sourced from the internet, which may contain biases, can lead to the further spread of human biases at a larger scale. Women and people of color have historically borne the brunt of harms from tech advancements, making their inclusion in decision-making processes crucial.

Recent research has shown the negative impacts of AI technologies, such as the targeting of users with job postings based on gender stereotypes by Meta’s Facebook algorithm. Nonconsensual pornography enabled by AI and struggles with creating images of diverse racial backgrounds using AI-generated photo tools have also highlighted the importance of addressing biases and promoting diversity in AI development. The lack of diversity in the advisory group advising Meta on AI strategy raises concerns about the potential perpetuation of biases in AI technologies.

Joy Buolamwini, the founder of the Algorithmic Justice League, emphasized the importance of ensuring that the design, development, and deployment of AI systems reflect the communities that will be impacted by them. The oversight of AI technologies by a diverse group of experts can help address biases and ensure fair and ethical use of AI in various sectors. Meta’s lack of diversity in its advisory group for AI strategy underscores the ongoing challenges in promoting inclusivity and diversity within the tech industry.

Meta has not responded to requests for comment on the lack of diversity in its advisory group for AI strategy. As AI continues to evolve and play a significant role in shaping various aspects of society, the need for diverse perspectives and inclusive decision-making processes in AI development becomes increasingly critical. Addressing biases and promoting diversity in AI technologies will be essential in ensuring equitable opportunities and minimizing harms for all individuals impacted by these technologies.

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