The financial burden associated with menstruation goes beyond pain, lack of support, and emotional changes, as there is the recurring expense of menstrual products. This raises the question of whether these products are essential or a luxury. Access to free products advocates for gender equity and promotes public health. The improvisation of menstrual methods can lead to infections, school and work absenteeism, and impact self-esteem. No one should be forced to choose between their well-being and respect. Let us work together to ensure that every menstrual cycle is a safe and worry-free experience.

In today’s world, universities are waking up to protests calling for an end to the war in Gaza. Many students wake up to the uncertainty of a bleak future, filled with despair and lack of opportunities in an increasingly competitive and cruel late capitalism society. Many people struggle to find meaning in their daily lives, as the line between authenticity, personal life, and the unreal becomes increasingly blurred. Today, May 24, 2024, seems to echo the spirit of May 1968.

It is astonishing how easily pseudo-journalists and pundits appropriate the discourse of historically discriminated minorities to portray themselves as false martyrs in this so-called new era of cancellation culture. It is common to see white heterosexual individuals feign outrage after facing backlash for mocking transgender, queer, or gender nonconforming individuals, claiming that their freedom of speech is being violated. The reality is that marginalized groups are tired of being disrespected and are now empowered to speak up against such behavior.

The struggle to find affordable housing, especially as a student in cities like Madrid, is a daunting challenge. Advertisements for “student apartments” priced at over 3,000 euros with limited amenities and space highlight the housing crisis in urban areas. The reality of high rental prices, lack of furnishings, and inadequate living conditions make it difficult for students to find suitable accommodation.

The lack of emphasis on arts education is a concern for parents whose children have a passion for music, painting, and creativity. The imbalance in the curriculum, with more hours dedicated to subjects like Math and Language than to music and arts, risks dehumanizing a generation of students. Recognizing and valuing creativity and artistic expression in the classroom is essential to nurturing a well-rounded and holistic education.

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