The European Parliament has strongly condemned China’s military exercises near Taiwan and its attempts to distort history in a resolution approved with 432 votes in favor and 60 against. Tensions between China and Taiwan have been high since Taiwan elected William Lai as its new president in May. Lai has expressed willingness to engage in dialogue with China but has emphasized that Taiwan will never be subordinate to its neighbor. China’s belligerent rhetoric and military drills near Taiwan have escalated in response, prompting the European Parliament to reject any unilateral changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

Lawmakers criticized Beijing for constantly distorting UN Resolution 2758, which recognized the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations and removed the seat held by the Republic of China, then ruled by Chiang Kai-shek. China argues that this resolution upholds the One China principle and therefore bars Taiwan from participating in international bodies as an observer. However, Taipei contests this interpretation, stating that the resolution only pertains to representatives of Chiang Kai-shek and does not support Beijing’s territorial claims over Taiwan. The European Parliament refutes China’s attempts to distort history and international rules in this regard.

President Xi Jinping’s refusal to renounce the use of force to bring Taiwan under Beijing’s rule has been condemned by MEPs in the resolution. They emphasize that the Republic of China was never part of the People’s Republic of China, undermining China’s argument for reunification. The resolution highlights the importance of strengthening EU-Taiwan relations in response to China’s growing partnership with Russia and the EU’s semiconductor needs, which Taiwan supplies. Despite maintaining informal contacts with Taiwan, the EU and its member states do not have diplomatic ties with Taipei. The European Commission has refrained from signing a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan due to concerns about angering Beijing.

The resolution also addresses China’s increasing attempts to isolate Taiwan on the global stage through economic coercion and hostile disinformation campaigns. MEPs warn that China’s actions are altering the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region and call on Beijing to cease its military operations near Taiwan immediately. The Parliament emphasizes that UN Resolution 2758 does not take a stance on Taiwan and rejects China’s efforts to use it as a basis for excluding Taiwan from international organizations. By standing up to China’s aggressive actions against Taiwan, the European Parliament is sending a clear message in support of Taiwan’s democratic system and right to self-determination.

In light of China’s territorial ambitions and attempts to exert control over Taiwan, the European Parliament advocates for the strengthening of EU-Taiwan relations to counterbalance China’s influence in the region. While the EU does not have formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, there is a growing recognition of the strategic importance of Taiwan as a leading semiconductor supplier. The resolution underscores the need for continued engagement with Taiwan and calls for EU support to enhance Taiwan’s international participation. By rejecting China’s unilateral changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and standing up for Taiwan’s rights, the European Parliament is taking a decisive stance in defense of democracy and international norms.

In conclusion, the European Parliament’s resolution represents a forceful rebuke of China’s aggressive actions towards Taiwan and its efforts to distort history for political gains. By supporting Taiwan’s democratic system and rejecting China’s attempts to isolate it on the global stage, the Parliament is standing up for principles of self-determination and international rule of law. The resolution underscores the need for continued engagement with Taiwan and the importance of EU-Taiwan relations in countering China’s growing influence in the region. By taking a firm stance against China’s territorial ambitions and military posturing in the Taiwan Strait, the European Parliament is sending a strong message in defense of peace, stability, and democracy in the Indo-Pacific region.

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