Giorgia Meloni presieded the first meeting of the Coordination Cabinet on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) in Rome, emphasizing the importance of Phase 2, which involves the concrete implementation of reforms and strategic investments. Italy is leading in Europe in terms of achieving objectives and financial progress of the PNRR, as certified by the mid-term evaluation of the European Commission. Significant milestones have been reached, such as the adoption of the technical revision of the new Italian PNRR by the Council of the European Union and the receipt of substantial payments from the European Union totaling 102.5 billion euros out of the 194.4 billion allocated.

To achieve these objectives, the government has established a permanent Coordination Cabinet at each Prefecture, composed of representatives from central administrations, regions, provinces, metropolitan cities, and municipalities. These Coordination Cabinets will serve as a platform for local administrations and implementers of the PNRR interventions to address technical and operational challenges, and to find timely solutions. The Prefecture, being the closest territorial entity to the implementers of the PNRR, will play a crucial role in coordinating efforts, resolving issues, and connecting with central administrations and the PNRR Mission Structure.

The government aims to involve representatives from trade unions and business associations in the Coordination Cabinets to ensure a collaborative approach in implementing the PNRR. Collaboration among all stakeholders will accelerate payments, standardize practices, and enhance administrative efficiency nationwide. The establishment of Coordination Cabinets at Prefectures was mandated by decree 19/2024 to define action plans, implement programs and interventions, and monitor progress. The meeting at Palazzo Valentini was attended by various officials, including the Prefect of Rome, Lamberto Giannini, the Minister for European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, and the Governor of Lazio, Francesco Rocca.

Overall, the government’s focus is on the effective implementation of the PNRR through enhanced coordination at the local level. By strengthening the role of Prefectures and involving a wide range of stakeholders, including trade unions and business associations, Italy aims to meet its PNRR objectives efficiently. Through continuous monitoring, collaboration, and problem-solving, the government seeks to ensure the successful realization of reforms and strategic investments outlined in the PNRR. The Coordination Cabinets at Prefectures will serve as key platforms for facilitating dialogue, addressing challenges, and streamlining processes to drive progress and economic recovery.

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