In the lead-up to the European elections, Euronews explores the Brothers of Italy party leader Giorgia Meloni and her role as the country’s prime minister. The party’s conference in Pescara was a significant event, setting the stage for Meloni’s electoral campaign and shedding light on her conservative leadership in Europe. During the event, Meloni encouraged voters to use her first name, showcasing her working-class roots and political beginnings in Rome. As both Italy’s PM and president of the ECR group, Meloni outlined her vision for Europe, aiming to create a majority that brings together center-right forces and opposes the left.

Meloni’s speech in Pescara emphasized the growth of support for the Brothers of Italy since the last European elections in 2019 and her ambitions to expand the party’s success from Italy to Europe. She highlighted the need to align with other center-right forces, such as the ECR and EPP, to form a majority in the European Parliament. ECR Co-Chairman Nicola Procaccini explained that Meloni’s strategy involves forming alliances based on issues rather than ideals, working alongside parties like Renew Europe and ID to secure votes for shared measures. This approach reflects Meloni’s goal of shifting the balance of power in the European Parliament to the right.

Meloni’s plan to place the left in opposition involves breaking the alliances between the EPP, socialists, and greens, giving the center-right forces a stronger foothold in European politics. By forming a coalition that spans across multiple right-wing parties, Meloni hopes to create a united front that can push through legislation and policies that align with their shared goals. This strategy aims to challenge the dominance of left-leaning parties in the European Union and establish a more conservative agenda at the European level. By emphasizing the importance of common ground and cooperation, Meloni is positioning herself as a key player in shaping the future of European politics.

The decision by Meloni to encourage voters to use her first name, Giorgia, reflects her approachable and relatable image as a leader with roots in the working class. By personalizing her campaign and rallying supporters around her individual identity, Meloni aims to build a stronger connection with voters and differentiate herself from her rivals. While this move has faced criticism from some quarters, it aligns with Meloni’s strategy to present herself as a leader who is accessible and in touch with the concerns of ordinary Italians. By emphasizing her background and upbringing, Meloni seeks to appeal to a broad base of supporters and position herself as a candidate who can represent the interests of the Italian people on the European stage.

Overall, Meloni’s speech in Pescara highlights her strategic approach to the upcoming European elections, emphasizing the importance of forming alliances, shifting the balance of power, and positioning the center-right forces as a stronger opposition to the left. By outlining her vision for Europe and the role of the Brothers of Italy in shaping its future, Meloni is setting the stage for a competitive and dynamic campaign that will have far-reaching implications for the political landscape of the European Union. As the election approaches, Meloni’s leadership and conservative agenda will be closely watched by supporters and rivals alike as they navigate the complex and evolving political landscape of Europe.

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