Today I met with Deputy Minister Leo, and we discussed the contents of the ministerial decree on the “redditometro” and “we have come to the conclusion that it is better to suspend” the measure “pending further investigation.” This was stated by Giorgia Meloni in a video shared on social media. “No Big Brother tax will ever be introduced by Fratelli d’Italia, by the center-right, by this government. We have always been against invasive mechanisms like the redditometro, applied to honest people. And our position has not changed.” This was reiterated by the Prime Minister on social media. “We inherited – she explains – a very dangerous situation, where there is no limit to the discretionary power of the tax administration to challenge inconsistencies between the standard of living and declared income. Hence the need to issue a ministerial decree that provided specific guarantees for taxpayers.” “However, that decree has generated several controversies,” she added, explaining that now, after the suspension, there will be “further investigations.”

“Our goal is and remains to combat large-scale tax evasion and the unacceptable phenomenon, for example, of those who pretend to have nothing but drive a SUV, or go on vacation with a yacht, without imposing invasive rules on ordinary people for this reason.” This message conveys the stance of the government and its commitment to address tax evasion issues without burdening regular individuals with invasive measures. The decision to suspend the decree in question indicates a willingness to reevaluate the situation and find a more balanced approach to tackling tax evasion. The focus is on ensuring fairness for all taxpayers while cracking down on those who abuse the system.

The comments made by Giorgia Meloni highlight the challenges faced by the government in addressing tax evasion and the need for a fair and effective solution. The suspension of the ministerial decree reflects a recognition of the concerns raised by the public and a commitment to ensuring that any measures taken are proportionate and just. The emphasis on protecting taxpayers while cracking down on those who engage in fraudulent practices is a key priority for the government. The decision to suspend the decree pending further investigation demonstrates a willingness to listen to feedback and make necessary adjustments to ensure the integrity of the tax system.

The statement made by Giorgia Meloni on social media underscores the government’s commitment to protecting taxpayers from invasive measures while still addressing the issue of tax evasion effectively. The decision to suspend the controversial ministerial decree shows a willingness to reassess the situation and find a more balanced approach to combating tax evasion. By acknowledging the concerns raised by the public and committing to further investigations, the government is demonstrating a commitment to ensuring fairness and justice in the tax system. The emphasis on cracking down on fraudulent practices while safeguarding honest taxpayers indicates a balanced and pragmatic approach towards addressing tax evasion in the country. Ultimately, the goal is to create a tax system that is fair, transparent, and effective in combating tax evasion.

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