During a meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni received the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, to discuss ongoing consultations in preparation for the adoption of the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 in June. The agenda will be a priority at the end of June summit of the 27 EU member states, potentially being the last for the current European leaders. Michel aims for the document to serve as a compass for European policy in the next five years. The Italian priorities for future EU action mentioned during the meeting included strengthening European competitiveness and economic resilience, managing migration collectively, collaborating on security and defense, and enlargement policy.

Meloni highlighted the importance of investing in competitive aspects of the EU during the meeting, particularly noting the agricultural sector and emphasizing the rapid implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy revision and measures to alleviate financial pressure on farmers agreed upon at the March European Council. The Prime Minister also emphasized the need for adequate common resources to support the necessary investments to achieve these objectives. The discussions during the approximately one-hour meeting also touched on future European structures and top appointments.

President of the European Council Michel expressed satisfaction with the meeting, stating that competitiveness would be a central issue on the agenda at the upcoming European Council meeting in Brussels. The need for increased investment in the capital market union to address climate change, digital innovation, and create opportunities for economic recovery was stressed. Michel also mentioned the recent vote in the European Parliament on the Asylum Pact, highlighting efforts to manage migration in collaboration with countries of origin and transit, such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Lebanon, across the Mediterranean. The President emphasized the importance of working together with Italy to address migration challenges effectively.

The EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, discussed during the meeting, focuses on a strong and secure Europe, a prosperous and competitive Europe, and a free and democratic Europe. The agenda includes a strategy for security and defense, aiming to increase the private industry’s capacity by improving access to public and private financing. Key points of the agenda include addressing cyber and hybrid threats, foreign interference, radicalization, terrorism, and violent extremism to ensure internal security. The economic chapter of the agenda emphasizes an integrated approach to competitiveness, completion of the single market, financial integration, energy independence, green transition, and balanced development across the continent.

The agenda also includes a European approach to migration, enlargement opportunities, and safeguarding democracy within the EU. The focus on safeguarding the rule of law and protecting fundamental rights online are highlighted priorities within the EU Democracy chapter of the Strategic Agenda. The document aims to guide European policy over the next five years by addressing key challenges and opportunities in areas such as security, defense, competitiveness, energy, and democracy. The discussions between Meloni and Michel underscored the importance of collaboration and strategic planning to navigate complex issues facing the EU in the coming years.

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