In a recent interview with Il Corriere della Sera, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni pointed out the lack of political vision and decision-making in Europe. She expressed concerns that the method used to appoint top positions in the European Union could compromise both of these aspects. Meloni emphasized the importance of having a clear vision and avoiding alliances that lack coherence, as this could lead to inefficiencies in the coming years.

Meloni asserted that she had behaved like a true European leader by questioning the trajectory of the Union and making decisions based on what she believed was right. She highlighted the need for leaders to stay true to their values and not simply follow the status quo. As one of the founding countries of the EU, Italy has a responsibility to help shape the direction of the Union rather than passively observing. Meloni criticized the majority-opposition dynamic being brought into the selection process for top EU positions, which could further divide member states and hinder decision-making.

The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of collaboration with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and expressed confidence in their continued partnership. Meloni stressed that Italy is not subordinate to the EU but instead plays a significant role as a founding member. She believed that Italy’s weight and influence in European affairs would be taken into consideration when delegating responsibilities in the Union. Meloni expressed her commitment to working with von der Leyen and contributing to important decision-making processes.

Meloni addressed concerns about the possibility of Italy not receiving significant responsibilities in the EU due to current political dynamics. She dismissed the notion as surreal and criticized the idea that von der Leyen would base decisions on whether a country’s government supported her. Meloni emphasized the importance of securing key roles in areas such as economics, industry, competitiveness, and cohesion, which would benefit both Italy and the European Union. She emphasized the need to identify the most suitable candidates for these positions in collaboration with the majority.

In conclusion, Giorgia Meloni stressed the need for European leaders to have a clear vision and avoid compromising on key principles for the sake of alliances. She highlighted Italy’s role as a founding member of the EU and its importance in shaping the Union’s direction. Meloni emphasized collaboration with European institutions and expressed confidence in Italy’s influence in decision-making processes. She called for a focus on securing important responsibilities in key areas to benefit both Italy and the EU as a whole.

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