Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni spoke at the 79th United Nations General Assembly, emphasizing Italy’s strong support for multilateralism and the principles of the United Nations. Meloni stressed the importance of organizations being effective when their rules are just and shared, and any governance reform should be based on principles of equality, democracy, and representativeness. She highlighted the need for all nations to work together to address the current complex challenges, as no single state can tackle them alone.

In a time of crisis, Meloni stated that nations must act decisively and not hesitate. She pointed out that the word “crisis” comes from the Greek word meaning “choice” or “decision,” highlighting that crises force people to reevaluate and make decisions. Italy believes in the importance of multilateralism and the United Nations as a place for countries to learn, understand, and respect each other. Meloni emphasized the urgency of making necessary decisions in the multilateral space, rather than simply producing documents full of good intentions.

Meloni also condemned Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine as an “unacceptable act of war against a sovereign nation,” which has heightened security concerns. She described the current global situation as crucial, with various challenges ranging from climate issues to economic struggles and armed conflicts. The Prime Minister called for a new approach to international cooperation, citing Italy’s Mattei Plan for Africa as an example of a respectful and fair partnership with African nations to promote development, stability, and the right for all individuals to compete on equal terms.

The Mattei Plan for Africa, according to Meloni, focuses on cooperation with African nations in a way that is neither patronizing nor exploitative but based on respect and equal opportunities for everyone. The goal of the plan is to support the development of a continent that has often been underestimated, build stability, and ensure that young people have the opportunity to thrive without feeling the need to migrate. Meloni’s vision for cooperation between nations involves mutual respect, fair competition, and a genuine commitment to supporting the growth and prosperity of countries in need.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Meloni’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly highlighted Italy’s dedication to multilateralism, respect for international institutions such as the UN, and the belief in equal rights for all citizens. She called for a united approach to address global challenges, emphasized the importance of making decisions during crises, and condemned acts of aggression that threaten global security. Meloni presented the Mattei Plan for Africa as a model for cooperation that prioritizes fairness, respect, and opportunity for all, aiming to build stability and prosperity in regions that have been overlooked. Italy’s commitment to promoting development, stability, and equal rights on a global scale was a central theme of Meloni’s address to the international community.

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