Former first lady Melania Trump recently shared new details about her experience during the George Floyd protests that occurred in 2020, highlighting a moment of fear as demonstrators approached the White House. In a promotional video for her upcoming memoir, Melania recalled the tense atmosphere inside the White House as protests intensified outside. The situation escalated as protesters gathered outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, engaging in confrontations with Secret Service officers. This led to the relocation of then-President Donald Trump, Melania, and their son Barron to the White House’s underground bunker as a precautionary measure.

The protests that swept the nation were sparked by the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Bystander video capturing Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck for over 9 minutes sparked outrage and calls for justice. The initial peaceful demonstrations outside the White House evolved into violent confrontations as rioters attempted to breach security barriers and clashed with law enforcement officers. The movement quickly spread nationwide and internationally, with protests occurring in over 2,000 cities and towns across more than 60 countries.

Estimates suggest that between 15 to 26 million people participated in the demonstrations in the United States, making it the largest protest movement in U.S. history. While the majority of protests were peaceful, some cities experienced riots, looting, and violent confrontations between different groups. In response, over 200 cities imposed curfews, and thousands of National Guard, State Guard, as well as military personnel were deployed to maintain order. President Trump praised the Secret Service for their handling of the situation and criticized Washington D.C.’s Mayor for allegedly not allowing local police to assist, a claim disputed by Secret Service statements.

Following the protests, Melania Trump has been promoting her upcoming memoir by addressing controversial events such as the FBI’s 2022 raid on Mar-a-Lago, the Trumps’ Florida estate, regarding classified documents. In a video message, she expressed her surprise at her privacy being invaded by the government, emphasizing the importance of respecting freedom and rights. Melania’s promotional strategy has also included discussing a failed assassination attempt on her husband during a Pennsylvania campaign rally. This approach to addressing contentious issues reflects her desire to share her story and highlight the importance of upholding fundamental freedoms.

Melania’s recollection of the events during the George Floyd protests sheds light on the intense atmosphere within the White House as tensions escalated outside. The protests, prompted by the tragic death of George Floyd, sparked a nationwide movement that demanded justice and accountability for police brutality. Melania’s candid revelations about her experiences during this tumultuous time, along with her reflections on subsequent events, offer a unique perspective on a critical moment in recent history. As she continues to promote her memoir, Melania Trump’s willingness to address challenging topics demonstrates her commitment to sharing her story and advocating for the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

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