Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. have both faced their fair share of struggles in the entertainment industry, with Gibson’s alcoholism and Downey Jr.’s history of substance abuse leading to career-threatening scandals. Gibson admitted that a certain incident in July 2006 almost ended his career when he made antisemitic remarks while drunk and was subsequently blacklisted. Despite this setback, he credited Downey Jr. for standing by him and speaking up for him during a difficult time.

After the 2006 incident, Gibson did not star in any films until the 2010 thriller, Edge of Darkness. More scandals followed in late 2010 when recordings surfaced of him using racial slurs and threatening violence against his former girlfriend, leading to him losing a role in The Hangover 2. However, Downey Jr. continued to support him, urging peers in the industry to give Gibson another chance and not dismiss his contributions to art and film.

Downey Jr., who is Jewish on his father’s side, spoke highly of Gibson at the 25th American Cinematheque Awards in 2011, asking for forgiveness and understanding for his friend. He acknowledged Gibson’s support during his own struggles with addiction and law enforcement issues, portraying him as a positive influence in his life during difficult times. Gibson even cast Downey Jr. in the lead role of a movie developed for himself when Downey Jr. struggled to find work due to his personal issues.

Gibson was touched by Downey Jr.’s speech at the awards show, as it came at a time when he felt like an outcast in Hollywood. He expressed gratitude for Downey Jr.’s bold and generous gesture in standing up for him and being a supportive figure when he needed it the most. The two actors have shared a seesaw dynamic in their relationship, offering support in times when the other was struggling and falling off the wagon. Despite their past troubles, both Gibson and Downey Jr. have remained sober for years and continue to be emotionally supportive of each other.

The bond between Gibson and Downey Jr. has withstood the test of time, with both actors acknowledging the importance of their friendship in overcoming personal and professional challenges. Downey Jr.’s unwavering support for Gibson during his darkest moments and Gibson’s generosity in casting and supporting Downey Jr. in the industry highlight the depth of their connection. Their ability to stand by each other during difficult times has been crucial in both of their journeys to recovery and redemption in Hollywood.

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