Megyn Kelly recently criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, comparing it to a mix between Hilaria Baldwin and Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Kelly pointed out that Ocasio-Cortez seemed to be imitating Barack Obama’s famous DNC speech from 2004 by using an inauthentic accent and raising her voice louder than normal, which Kelly described as an “assault.” She stated that those praising Ocasio-Cortez mistake energy and enthusiasm for effectiveness.

During her podcast, Kelly also mentioned that Ocasio-Cortez’s mannerisms during her speech reminded her of Hilaria Baldwin, who was criticized for appearing to speak with a Spanish accent despite growing up in the United States. Kelly also compared Ocasio-Cortez to Mussolini, playing a clip of the Italian dictator speaking to his supporters from a balcony to illustrate her point. Ocasio-Cortez’s speech at the DNC left many wondering about the accent she was using and prompted criticism on social media.

In viral videos of Ocasio-Cortez’s speech, she was seen passionately speaking out against former President Donald Trump, accusing him of being a “two-bit union buster” who thinks he is more of a patriot than she is. Some critics claimed that she adopted a Southern drawl as she shouted at the crowd, leading to further backlash and ridicule on social media. Despite the mixed reactions to her speech, Ocasio-Cortez’s powerful delivery and message resonated with many of her supporters.

Overall, Megyn Kelly’s critique of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s speech at the DNC highlights the divisive nature of political speeches and public speaking. While some may view Ocasio-Cortez’s energy and enthusiasm as effective communication, others like Kelly may find fault in the authenticity and delivery of her message. The comparison to Mussolini and Baldwin adds a controversial layer to the analysis of Ocasio-Cortez’s speech, sparking further debate and discussion within political and media circles. Ultimately, the impact of Ocasio-Cortez’s speech at the DNC goes beyond just the content, as it has provoked a wide range of reactions and interpretations from different audiences.

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