Meghan Trainor recently opened up about a frightening experience she had while newly pregnant with her second son, Barry. In a conversation with food journalist Josh Scherer on Mythical Kitchen’s “Last Meals,” Trainor revealed that she believed she had miscarried while sitting for an interview with Ryan Seacrest in late 2022. Trainor and her husband, Daryl Sabara, had been trying to conceive for weeks leading up to the interview. However, Trainor had experienced bleeding before an appearance on the “Tonight Show” about a month earlier, which she mistook for her period. Despite this, she found out she was pregnant on the morning of her interview with Seacrest and was overjoyed. Just moments before going on the air with Seacrest, Trainor noticed severe bleeding and feared she was miscarrying. She managed to finish the interview but immediately shared her concerns with her team after it ended. After multiple pregnancy tests and a visit to her doctor, Trainor discovered she was 10 weeks pregnant, meaning her baby was conceived shortly before her “Tonight Show” appearance. Trainor and Sabara went on to welcome their son, Barry, in July of that year, adding to their family of four, as they also have a 3-year-old son named Riley.

The experience of believing she had miscarried only to find out she was still pregnant was heartbreaking and then joyful for Trainor. She described the experience as “horrific, and then amazing,” realizing that her son, Barry, was a little miracle. Despite the initial scare, Trainor is now grateful for the beautiful addition to her family and sees Barry as a blessing. As she prepares to kick off her Timeless Tour in September, Trainor continues to reflect on the rollercoaster of emotions she went through during her pregnancy with Barry, who she lovingly refers to as a “little miracle.” She cherishes every moment with him and feels grateful to have him in her life. Throughout her journey to welcoming Barry, Trainor’s perspective on motherhood and family has been shaped by the challenges she faced, ultimately leading to a deeper appreciation for the gift of motherhood and the miracle of life.

Trainor’s story sheds light on the ups and downs of pregnancy and the emotional toll it can take on expectant mothers. The fear of miscarriage is a common concern for many women, and Trainor’s experience highlights the rollercoaster of emotions that can come with early pregnancy complications. Despite the challenges she faced, Trainor’s resilience and strength shine through as she navigated the uncertainty and came out stronger on the other side. Her dedication to her family and her ability to find joy in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to others facing similar struggles. By sharing her story, Trainor hopes to empower other women to embrace their journey to motherhood and find strength in the face of adversity.

As Trainor looks ahead to her upcoming tour and continues to navigate the demands of motherhood, she remains grateful for the gift of Barry and the love and support of her family. Her experience has deepened her appreciation for the precious moments she shares with her children and has taught her to treasure the miracle of life. Trainor’s resilience and ability to find joy in challenging circumstances serve as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of mothers everywhere. Despite the challenges she faced, Trainor’s story is a testament to the power of hope, love, and the miracles that can come out of the darkest moments. By sharing her journey, Trainor hopes to inspire others to find strength in the face of adversity and embrace the joy that comes with welcoming new life into the world.

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