Meghan Markle recently launched a new lifestyle brand called American Riviera Orchard, which has garnered attention for its flashy announcement featuring Markle in a glamorous setting. However, there are still many unknowns surrounding the brand, including who is investing in it, working on it, and manufacturing the products which will include jams, candles, skincare, and pet food.

Although the brand is causing a buzz in industry conversations, sources suggest that the project lacks substance, with questions arising about timing for the actual product launch and the involvement of key industry professionals. While Markle has been networking with notable finance figures, such as Wall Street billionaire Ken Griffin and cosmetics mogul Victoria Jackson, they are not investing in the venture. Hollywood money man Adam Lilling is believed to have collaborated with Markle on this project, following an introduction from close friend Ellen DeGeneres. Connection to Lilling’s private equity fund Plus Capital suggests this partnership could be key to the brand.

In addition to the financial aspects of the project, Markle’s business venture will tie into her new Netflix show, with similarities drawn to lifestyle icons like Martha Stewart and Joanna Gaines. However, concerns have been raised about the branding of the products, with suggestions that the ingredients should be sourced locally to match the name “American Riviera.” Furthermore, Markle’s involvement in the local community and authenticity in her product sourcing may impact the success of her brand among discerning consumers.

While Markle has been personally involved in developing products, there are questions about her connection to local farmers and adherence to California’s strict regulations on farmer’s market sales. An encounter with organic farmer Kerry Clasby suggests that Markle will need to ensure the products align with their claims of being sourced locally and with integrity. However, Markle’s interactions with locals have been positive, with community members sharing stories of her genuine interest in supporting small businesses.

Markle’s venture into the lifestyle brand space has been compared to her previous work on The Tig, a lifestyle site she operated before becoming a royal. Drawing inspiration from successful businesses like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop, Markle aims to create a community-oriented brand with value and authenticity. Although Markle’s project may attract a high-end audience, questions remain about her target market and product offerings. Partnerships with entertainment industry figures like Sarah Harden suggest that Markle is considering various business ideas to make her brand successful.

As American Riviera Orchard prepares for its launch, experts caution that Markle must move quickly to capitalize on the holiday season and ensure timely product availability. With trademark applications filed and buzz surrounding the brand, Markle has an opportunity to establish a successful lifestyle brand. However, questions about authenticity, local sourcing, and brand positioning may impact the reception of American Riviera Orchard among consumers and industry observers. Ultimately, Markle’s foray into the lifestyle space represents an opportunity to build on her previous successes and establish a unique brand identity in the competitive market.

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