Actress Meg Ryan attended the Met Gala with designer Michael Kors, who created a custom black gown with floral embroideries for her. Kors praised Ryan’s style as understated and cool, noting that they both share a love for sleek, cool, and effortless fashion with a touch of American glamour. Ryan also expressed admiration for Kors’s streamlined and chic aesthetic, as well as his inspiration from old school Hollywood glamour. The two had a great time together at the event, with Ryan describing Kors as fun and smart, making for an enjoyable evening.

To align with the Gala’s theme, Kors designed a romantic gown for Ryan that drew inspiration from the natural world. The black silk-wool mikado dress featured a tulle bodice with shadow floral hand-embroidery. The intricate beading was done by an Indian family-owned business called Adity, where women managed the company and men handled the beading. It took 800 hours to sew the dress, with over 1,000 sequin flowers crafted using recycled sequins in various sizes and shapes, resembling a vine wrapping around the gown.

Ryan appreciated the sentiment and emotion behind Kors’s design, which highlighted the fragility of nature through black flowers as a goth interpretation. She felt proud and emotional seeing Kors’s artistic vision come to life in the dress. Ending the night on a light note, Ryan humorously mentioned her plans post-Met Gala, which included taking off her shoes and indulging in some french fries. The collaboration between Ryan and Kors showcased their mutual respect for each other’s style and creative vision, resulting in a stunning gown that captured the essence of the event’s theme.

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