The 45th edition of the Meeting in Rimini aims to provide “its contribution of culture, dialogue, and humanity,” according to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. He highlighted the importance of the event in reflecting on the fundamental reasons of society and engaging people of all ages in seeking what moves deeply. The theme of this year’s edition focuses on the cultural roots of the Meeting and explores the extraordinary transformations taking place in the world. Mattarella emphasized the need to center on the person amidst the global flows of information and the technological advancements that offer new opportunities but also bring about fear, mistrust, and violence. He stressed the importance of human relationships and the value of educational and cultural commitment showcased at the Meeting.

The Minister of Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto, will also be attending the Meeting in Rimini. He will participate in a panel discussion on energy transition, costs, and competitiveness. The Ministry, along with Ispra, Enea, and Gse, has organized an exhibition space called “Piazza Ministero dell’Ambiente,” where various discussions on energy and environmental topics will take place, catering to the diverse audience at the Meeting. This includes discussions on sustainability communication, energy efficiency, energy savings, and renewable energy communities. The Ministry’s space will provide information and useful materials, with the Chief of Staff Mario Antonio Scino attending a conference on energy security in the Mediterranean.

Enea, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, is presenting energy solutions aligned with the principles of Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Laudato Sì” at the 2024 Meeting in Rimini. They are showcasing projects such as an application to assess the energy and structural vulnerability of Third Sector buildings, aimed at making parishes more efficient and sustainable. Additionally, they offer survival courses for families looking to save on energy bills, practical advice for young people aspiring to be green influencers, and training programs for students and professionals in energy management. The Enea stand at the Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica will feature talks, round tables, and games focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy communities, allowing attendees to engage with researchers and learn more about sustainable energy solutions.

The Meeting in Rimini has been a platform for cultural exchange and dialogue for many years, emphasizing the importance of human connections and the search for deeper truths in a rapidly changing world. The event brings together people of all ages to explore essential aspects of life and community, amid the technological advancements and global challenges facing society. The theme of this year’s edition underscores the need to prioritize the individual in the face of new opportunities and threats, highlighting the values of compassion, collaboration, and education in shaping a better future for humanity. Through a range of activities and discussions, participants at the Meeting are encouraged to reflect on the essence of life and the importance of collective action in creating a more inclusive and sustainable society.

In conclusion, the Meeting in Rimini serves as a valuable platform for showcasing innovative solutions, promoting cultural understanding, and fostering dialogue on pressing global issues. With the participation of government officials, industry experts, and researchers, the event facilitates meaningful exchanges on energy, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. The presence of key figures like the President of the Republic and the Minister of Environment underscores the significance of the Meeting as a forum for addressing critical challenges and advancing positive change. By promoting collaboration and education, the Meeting contributes to a broader conversation on the future of humanity and the role of individuals in shaping a more just and sustainable world.

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