The far-right figure known as Raw Egg Nationalist has expressed a belief that globalists want people to be fat, sick, depressed, and isolated in order to control and exploit them for economic gain. This sentiment was echoed by Kennedy, a conservative who shares similar views on environmental issues and suspicion of government regulation. Kennedy believes that climate change is being used as a pretext for totalitarian controls and advocates for free market solutions to energy problems. His environmentalism is rooted in a belief in the redemptive power of healthy living and closeness to nature, similar to Shanahan’s criticism of the fertility industry and promotion of low-cost, organic alternatives.

Despite their alignment with the esoteric new right, Kennedy’s anti-establishment pitch and recognizable family name could potentially siphon Democratic votes from Biden in the 2024 election. Many undecided voters may be drawn to Kennedy’s perceived green-seeming platform and rejection of mainstream politics. Anti-Trump conservative pollster Sarah Longwell warns that Kennedy’s candidacy could appeal to the double haters, those who disapprove of both Trump and Biden, potentially hurting Biden’s chances of winning the election. The focus group data suggests that when Trump is top of mind, those who dislike both candidates often end up disliking Trump more, potentially leading them to support Kennedy as an alternative option.

Kennedy’s skepticism of government regulation and belief in the power of personal responsibility in environmental issues align with Raw Egg Nationalist’s views on control and exploitation by globalists. Both Kennedy and Shanahan advocate for healthy, natural living as a way to combat societal issues like infertility and climate change. Kennedy’s focus on free market solutions contrasts with the totalitarian controls promoted by globalists and serves as a way to resist their influence. Shanahan’s criticism of the fertility industry and interest in organic alternatives reflect a desire to push back against mainstream practices that may be harmful to individuals and the environment.

The concern over Kennedy potentially splitting the anti-Trump coalition and drawing votes away from Biden highlights the complex political landscape in the upcoming election. While Kennedy’s anti-establishment message may appeal to disillusioned voters, there are fears that his candidacy could ultimately benefit Trump by dividing the opposition. The focus group data suggests that voters who are unhappy with both major-party choices may see Kennedy as a more palatable alternative, potentially tipping the scales in favor of Trump. As the election approaches, the impact of Kennedy’s candidacy on the political landscape and potential outcomes remains uncertain.

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