In June, a Black man named D’Vontaye Mitchell died from suffocation and the effects of multiple drugs after being restrained by security guards outside a hotel in Milwaukee. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide, stating that the immediate cause of death was “restraint asphyxia and toxic effects of cocaine and methamphetamine.” Mitchell was pinned face down on the ground by four security guards at the downtown Hyatt Regency hotel. He was restrained in the prone position by multiple individuals after using drugs and ultimately became unresponsive. Despite lifesaving measures, he was pronounced dead upon the arrival of authorities, leading to an investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death.

According to an investigation report, Mitchell had entered the hotel lobby appearing frantic and panting. Hotel staff and guests witnessed him behaving erratically, including hiding behind objects and attempting to lock himself in the women’s bathroom while women were present. When he was removed from the bathroom by security guards, Mitchell reportedly became combative and tried to reach into their pockets. The guards physically struggled with him and ultimately dragged him out of the hotel through the front entrance. A witness recorded a video of the incident, showing multiple security guards restraining Mitchell on the ground, with at least one guard kneeling on his back and another hitting him in the head. Mitchell was heard grunting and shouting for help, while a guard yelled for him to stop fighting. The video footage of the incident drew comparisons to the death of George Floyd, who died while being restrained by police in a similar manner in Minneapolis in 2020.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who was retained by Mitchell’s family, released a statement expressing the belief that Mitchell was experiencing a mental health crisis. Crump called for immediate charges against the security officers involved, as well as other Hyatt staff, alleging that excessive force was used that led to Mitchell’s death. He vowed to seek justice for Mitchell and his family, emphasizing the need for accountability in cases of police brutality and excessive use of force. The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office has confirmed that they are reviewing Mitchell’s death, and a spokesperson for Hyatt announced that the employees involved in the incident had been suspended. The circumstances surrounding Mitchell’s death have sparked outrage and renewed calls for accountability and justice in cases of police brutality and misconduct.

The medical examiner reported that Mitchell’s death was caused by a combination of restraint asphyxia and the toxic effects of cocaine and methamphetamine. Other contributing factors included hypertensive cardiovascular disease and morbid obesity. The manner of Mitchell’s death was ruled a homicide due to the actions of the security guards in restraining him in a manner that resulted in his suffocation and death. The incident has raised concerns about the use of force by security personnel, particularly in cases involving individuals experiencing mental health crises or under the influence of drugs. The investigation into Mitchell’s death will likely focus on the actions of the security guards and whether their actions were justified or constituted excessive force that led to the loss of life. The involvement of multiple security guards in restraining Mitchell and the use of physical force, as captured on video, have drawn attention to the need for accountability and reform in the training and oversight of security personnel.

The incident at the downtown Hyatt Regency hotel in Milwaukee has raised questions about the training and protocols followed by security guards in handling individuals who may be in distress or behaving erratically. The decision to physically restrain Mitchell in a prone position, despite his apparent distress and resistance, has been criticized as excessive and ultimately leading to his death. The security guards’ response to Mitchell’s behavior in the hotel lobby has been called into question, particularly their use of force in removing him from the premises. The release of video footage showing the confrontation between Mitchell and the security guards has fueled public outrage and reignited calls for accountability and justice in cases of police brutality and misconduct. The involvement of civil rights attorney Ben Crump and the calls for immediate charges against the security officers underscore the urgency of addressing issues of excessive force and systemic racism in law enforcement and security practices.

The death of D’Vontaye Mitchell highlights the intersection of race, mental health, and law enforcement in cases of individuals experiencing crises or episodes of distress. Mitchell’s family and supporters have demanded justice and accountability for his death, calling for charges to be brought against the security officers involved in the incident. Civil rights activists have drawn parallels between Mitchell’s death and that of George Floyd, emphasizing the need for systemic change and reform in policing and security practices. The circumstances surrounding Mitchell’s death have underscored the need for increased awareness and sensitivity in handling individuals who may be experiencing mental health issues and the importance of de-escalation tactics in preventing confrontations that can escalate to violence and harm. The ongoing investigation into Mitchell’s death will be closely monitored for transparency and accountability, with a focus on ensuring that such incidents are not repeated in the future through reforms and policy changes.

The response to D’Vontaye Mitchell’s death has sparked calls for greater oversight and accountability in the use of force by security guards and law enforcement officers, particularly in cases involving individuals from marginalized communities. The involvement of civil rights advocates and legal representatives in seeking justice for Mitchell and his family reflects a broader movement for reform and systemic change in addressing issues of police violence and brutality. The role of the media and public advocacy in raising awareness and holding officials accountable for misconduct and abuse of power has been instrumental in bringing attention to cases like Mitchell’s, where the circumstances of his death have raised concerns about racial bias and discrimination. The outcome of the investigation into Mitchell’s death will be closely watched for indications of progress in addressing systemic racism and injustice in law enforcement and security practices, as well as ensuring that individuals in crisis receive the support and assistance they need to prevent further harm and loss of life.

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