The controversial move by ID faction leader Maximilian Krah to exclude the AfD from the faction has caused turmoil within the party. Initially, the AfD delegation wanted to exclude Krah, but now ID faction leader Marco Zanni is seeking to remove all AfD members from the Identity and Democracy (ID) faction in the EU Parliament. This decision comes after a series of incidents involving Krah and the German delegation have damaged the cohesion and reputation of the faction. The names of all AfD members in the EU Parliament are listed in the proposal for expulsion, and the Präsidium members have been asked to respond to the request by the afternoon. The move to exclude the entire AfD delegation comes after the decision by the French party of Marine Le Pen to end their collaboration with the AfD.

The AfD delegation in the EU Parliament, led by Christine Anderson, submitted a request to expel Maximilian Krah from the ID faction due to continued violations of faction cohesion and reputation. The request was supported by seven out of nine delegation members, with only Krah and the former delegation leader Joachim Kuhs dissenting. The goal of this move is to prevent the entire AfD delegation from being excluded from the faction, a demand that has been gaining traction within the faction. The Austrian FPÖ and the Estonian Conservative People’s Party support the expulsion of Krah but oppose the expulsion of the entire AfD delegation from the faction.

In a letter to the AfD leadership, Anderson described the planned expulsion of Krah as a desperate attempt to prevent the expulsion of the entire AfD delegation from the ID faction. The decision to expel Krah was made after extensive discussions with partners who had expressed concerns about Krah’s personality and behavior. Anderson highlighted the need for the AfD leadership to distance themselves from Krah and to demonstrate a clear commitment to not tolerating his behavior within the party. Krah had previously announced his withdrawal from the European election campaign and his resignation from the AfD federal board following criticism from French and Italian partner parties for his controversial statements.

The tension within the AfD delegation in the EU Parliament has intensified following the decision by the French and Italian partner parties to no longer cooperate with the AfD in the future. This decision was influenced by Krah’s comments regarding SS soldiers in a recent interview, where he claimed that not every SS soldier was a criminal. The exclusion of the AfD from the ID faction could potentially diminish the party’s influence in the European Parliament, as they rely on the faction for support and resources. The ongoing conflict within the AfD highlights the internal divisions and challenges facing the party as it navigates its role in the EU Parliament and its relationships with partner parties.

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