Matthew McConaughey opened up about a period in his career when he considered leaving Hollywood altogether. The Academy Award winner revealed that he “stepped out of Hollywood” for two years as he felt like he needed a change. He explained that during his rom-com years, he had solid hits but wanted to try other things. Feeling like he wasn’t getting the opportunities he wanted, he confided in his wife about potentially leaving the industry for a new vocation, which led to a period of uncertainty and fear.

The actor shared that he felt like he stepped out of the lane that Hollywood designated for him, which led to doubts about his future in the industry. He described his decision to leave as scary and discussed how the days felt long and his sense of insignificance. Despite these challenges, McConaughey decided to stay committed to his mission, even though he didn’t know if he would ever make it out of the uncertain period. With success came new anxieties for him, as he realized the fleeting nature of Hollywood and the unpredictability of the industry.

McConaughey explained how after achieving success in a major studio film and experiencing fame, he faced a shift in the types of projects he was offered. He discussed the shock of going from having few opportunities to being inundated with offers after a successful film release. To clear his mind, he traveled to Peru for three weeks to reflect on his next steps in his career. The actor stressed the importance of being discerning when choosing projects and not getting typecast to avoid becoming paralyzed by saying no to certain roles.

During his time away from Hollywood, McConaughey moved back to Texas with his family. He considered various career changes, including running for governor of Texas, and also served as a visiting instructor at the University of Texas at Austin. He shared his experiences with Glen Powell about the need to be strategic about the roles they take on in order to avoid being too safe or only chasing what is expected of them. The actor discussed his process of introspection and decision-making during this challenging period in his career.

Overall, McConaughey’s candid conversation with Powell revealed the struggles and uncertainties he faced in Hollywood, despite his success. He discussed the importance of taking risks and trying new things in order to continue growing as an actor and artist. The actor’s experience serves as a reminder of the challenges and pressures that come with working in the entertainment industry, as well as the need to stay true to oneself and make decisions that align with one’s values and aspirations.

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